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posted by katara
05 May 2021

Switching to private

Last reply: 10 May 2021 16:40
I have a number of worrying symptoms, I have ongoing pain, as well as a mass in my abdomen confirmed by 5 GPS. I was sent to a and e twice by go requesting scans. Both times I was refused as bloods were normal so they decided I am fine. Did no checks, did not even feel for mass. That was a month ago, now I am still waiting for a colonoscopy, the gp said with how the public is atm it will be at least 4 more weeks. So I am requesting a private test. The go wants to know where I want to go. I can't afford it, am a medical card patient. A family has offered to pay. I am wondering where to go? Has anyone had experiences with the various private hospitals. Are they generally the same wait time/price or do they vary? Please share your experiences and recommendations. How much they cost, how long you waited etc. Thankyou
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posted by Maeve
29 April 2021

Parotid Tumor

Last reply: 10 May 2021 10:10
I've just been diagnosed with a malignant parotid tumor and to be honest until a few weeks ago didn't know was the parotid gland was. Is there anyone else out there going through this type of cancer? Id love to connect with people going through this too.
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posted by Daysey
27 April 2021

Second surgery after DCIS diagnosis

Last reply: 10 May 2021 10:05
1. Just back yesterday for the ‘results’ of lumpectomy. I wasn’t expecting surgeon today to say another surgery is needed. Does this happen much? Is there someone out there with the same experience? 2. Also, I would love to know what are the chances of needing radiotherapy afterwards, surgeon hopes I might avoid it, but again, I would love to hear from people. 3. (Couldn’t sleep last night, was inclined to blame surgeon for missing the extra calcification that now bring need for the second surgery. ) All help welcome.
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posted by Marguerite
24 March 2021


Last reply: 06 May 2021 12:12
I'm going for my second round of chemo next tue and I'm dreading it. I was so sick after my first round for a week I'm wondering is it worth it.
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posted by transplant21
18 March 2011


Last reply: 05 May 2021 13:47
I am thinking of getting my first house after the summer and havent taken any steps yet but was wondering where i stand on getting a mortgage after having a successful bonemarrow transplant after Luekemia only a year ago. From what I gather there is a cap on the amount you can borrow but i am uncertain. Does anyone have any experience in this. cheers
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posted by Beechfield34
10 April 2021


Last reply: 05 May 2021 12:35
This week has been the worst week of my life. Diagnosed with Breast cancer on wed. It’s in the lymph nodes too. I’ve to get chemo , surgery and radiotherapy. Next week a bone scan and then a PET scan. I feel and look healthy but I’m terrified the cancer has spread everywhere and I’m terrified of chemo . I work from home so I plan to continue to do that. My emotions are all over the place. Ok one min and actually having panic attacks the next min. Each day is a struggle . I know I have harder days ahead . I’m so worried. I’m in shock. I’m avoiding telling people as it makes it so “real”. Anyone else in the same boat ? Xxx
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posted by lisa123
11 March 2021

Mam recently diagnosed

Last reply: 03 May 2021 20:49
Hi, this is my first time posting here , my mam has recently been diagnosed with primary gallbladder cancer and liver metastasis. They have said it’s serious but treatable but obviously we are all very worried for her . She is starting chemo soon. She is 73 and normally in great health but I’m so worried she won’t make it through . Is this a good sign that they are even doing chemo ? I wanted to ask the doctors more when we went in for her diagnosis but didn’t know how much to say in front of her . They did say it’s stage 4. Does anyone have any words of wisdom to help her and my dad and also how can we help her mentally get through the next while ? Should we talk to her about it or distract her ? Just want to help her as best we can . Thanks all
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posted by roda
17 April 2021

Medical Appt and time off work

Last reply: 02 May 2021 02:27
I have an oncology related appointment next week. My employer does not pay sick pay which I know and understand. I want to take the day as unpaid sick leave. However, thay are insisting that I work another day instead. Is that legal?
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posted by tinytrina
25 February 2021

My partner has newly diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer

Last reply: 02 May 2021 02:18
Hi I’m new here My partner got diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer last week, we have 6 young children and both work, his cancer came as a shock like most, he’s awaiting surgery and has. More tests this week, he has become very ill really quickly which I’m struggling with he’s losing weight and is becoming very tired and his pain is getting worst. I want to support him as much as I can, I will be his main carer is there anyone going through the same thing caring for a loved one, I would like to make new friends going through this journey and we could support each other, what other support can I give my partner I’m feeling lost at the moment
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posted by el1981
14 April 2021

Breast cancer

Last reply: 01 May 2021 10:47
Hi was just diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer...found lump 4 wks ago but don’t know how long it’s been there but consultant said it’s only a small tumour (1 inch) & my lymph node tested positive so I’ve 2 wait 4 scans 2 make sure it’s not gone any further & this is killing me...but both times docs were checking my lymph nodes 1 said he couldn’t find them being swollen n other said they weren’t that swollen ...not sure if this is a good thing r not?....I would just like to get things movin so I can b on the rd 2 getting better already ...thanks
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