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posted by maybaby
15 April 2021

DIEP Reconstruction

Last reply: 01 May 2021 08:42
Hi, I was diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2016 (aged 28) I had a mastectomy with auxiliary clearance with immediate reconstruction using an implant and the muscle from my back, (latissimus dorsi flap), followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5 years. The implant became distorted and I had it replaced in 2018. The implant was placed very high and overtime a fold formed over the implant, so when I bend down there would be a deep crease, I believe this is called a capsular contracture. I mentioned it to my surgeon a few times but it was dismissed as just something that just happens. I waited until the time was right and I was finished having my family, so I bit the bullet as they say and plucked up the courage to go back and see another surgeon in 2019. I was rushed into making a quick decision and ended up having another implant late 2019, the job looked good at first but over the next 6 months I needed some fat harvested from my tummy to fill in the fold again. This was delayed until October 2020 because of covid. The capsular contraction appeared again 6 weeks later and another fat transfer was suggested. I didn't opt for this as site of the harvest was quiet painful for a time afterwards and I wasn't guaranteed that it would fix the problem. I decided to go to another surgeon and see what my other options would be. This time the DIEP flap was suggested. I have done some research on this and I am not sure it is an option. I know the feel etc is supposed to be great. Can anyone advise me on this. Is the scar on the tummy really hip to hip. Is the recovery really 3 months, do you have to go back for various adjustments, if I needed another mastectomy down the line DIEP wont be an option. I would really appreciate any advice from someone with similar experience. I am conscious of the seriousness of the operation and the fact that I have a young family with little support.
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posted by Monikita
28 November 2020

Small cell lung cancer

Last reply: 01 May 2021 00:31
Hi all..I'm 31 years old November 27.2020 diagnosed with small cell lung cancer...I'm single mum raising 2 boys on my own..having no family completely on my own.question is what support I can get in my situation...thanks
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posted by Daysey
27 April 2021

DCIS a second surgery

Last reply: 28 April 2021 23:20
1. Just back yesterday for the ‘results’ of lumpectomy. I wasn’t expecting surgeon today to say another surgery is needed. Does this happen much? Is there someone out there with the same experience? 2. Also, I would love to know what are the chances of needing radiotherapy afterwards, surgeon hopes I might avoid it, but again, I would love to hear from people. 3. (Couldn’t sleep last night, was inclined to blame surgeon for missing the extra calcification that now bring need for the second surgery. ) All support welcome.
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posted by sulky
15 April 2021

Virtual Clinic biopsy results

Last reply: 23 April 2021 15:56
Hi all, I had a colonoscopy 2.5 weeks ago which was normal. 10 biopsies were taken and I have a virtual appointment next week for the results. Do you think it being a virtual appointment that it might be good news? Would they bring you in if there was something detected?
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posted by mersc
14 April 2021

Breast cancer

Last reply: 23 April 2021 15:55
Hi, I am just looking for some advice or experience Diagnosed with Dcis back in September had surgery and radiotherapy treatment which I finished in January. Roll on to 14th March and I am still suffering really severe headaches. Have had scans & bloods, all clear but the ponding in my head is on going. Also my breast that I had treatment on is still very very tender/painful. Is this still normal after 3months? Any advice or other experiences much appreciated. M
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posted by andy64
12 April 2021

prostate cancer

Last reply: 23 April 2021 15:54
just been diagnosed to day with prostate cancer head all over the place i,m 57 have ahigh psa , the cancer is contained in the prostate for now i have to decide between surgery or radio therapy leaning towards surgery would like to hear from anyone who has been down this road thanks
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posted by AnnieD
12 April 2021

Driving after thyroid fna

Last reply: 23 April 2021 15:53
Hi. I’m going for a thyroid fna to have nodules assessed. I have been told to not drive for 24 hours afterwards because I will have a local anaesthetic. But surely this is the same as a local anaesthetic at the dentist?? Anyone advice would be appreciated
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posted by Brades34
17 April 2021

Genetic testing??

Last reply: 21 April 2021 17:20
Hi, my names Sarah and I’m 30 years old with 3 wonderful children and a loving fiancé. When I was 15 I lost my mam to cancer (lung & liver) my auntie (mams sister) had died of cancer 6 months before her. My mam was 45 and her sister was 41, when my mam was 40 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had her treatment but dispute being “cancer free” for a few years it returned in 2006 and 8 weeks later she passed away. Her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in her 30’s and then another type of cancer which she died from. I’m not sure which type but I know with both of them it stemmed from the breast cancer. Now I have a decision to make, do I have the genetics test done or not? I have to go private if I do decide to have it done and it’s €1,200 which is a lot of money when you have 3 small children. I’m not sure if my mam or aunt had the cancer gene so I’m confused if I should have it done. How can they tell if I have the gene if they don’t know if my mother or auntie had it. I don’t have enough information about it and I don’t have anyone to ask advice or talk to that understands. Is it worth getting the rest in your opinion? Maybe my mam and her sister were just unlucky or could they possible have had the gene themselves. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I’m a bit lost at the minute. Thank you.
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posted by carr21
11 April 2021

MDT meeting

Last reply: 21 April 2021 12:45
Hello. This is my first post and im looking for advice. I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago. My local hospital suspected womb cancer so i was referred up to see a Gynacological oncologist who did a d&c which came back clear, but due to large fibroids he booked me in for hysterectomy. Following surgery he didnt give me any cause to think that he found anything suspicious. I know that some others, who had the same op as me at the time , have had a call from the hospital to confirm that their pathology tests came back clear. I however have been told that my tests are back but they cannot tell me anything as it is going to an MDT meeting next week and then im to come back to the hospital a few days later to see them. Im very worried. Would you agree that this is a strong indicator that something unexpected has shown up? Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if anyone has any advice to offer id be grateful. I have nearly 2 weeks til i go back, its going to be a very long wait.......
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posted by Mrs C
23 March 2021

Question re rectal cancer/surgery

Last reply: 20 April 2021 20:47
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer last june he had mets on his liver. He completed his radiation and chemo treatment and he also overcome covid at xmas! He had 5 spots on his liver he was scheduled for surgery to burn the tumors bout 1 month ago now, when they went into do the surgery there were no spots visable great news. He is now awaiting his rectal surgery to remove the tumor, the surgeon told him 2 weeks ago he would need a permanent bag and he would need to see a plastic surgeon, it was alot of info to get his head around at the time. Since that he a scope last week and they were very happy with it only a scar left he is having an mri this week because tumor had grown into the muscle, the nurse rang to cancel our app with the plastic surgeon which means bag may not b permanent? Nurse didn't want to commit to answering my questions when asked which i completely understand. my question is is it normal for a surgeon to give you news like he got 2 weeks ago then a week later change of plan?? Is it possible he mite only have a temporary bag or maybe no surgery at all??
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