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posted by harris
04 August 2021

Prophylactic mastectomy

Last reply: 05 August 2021 12:10
I am currently on the public waiting list for a Prophylactic mastectomy. I am just wondering if there is anywhere that this can be done privately. Many thanks
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posted by Mikey1965
03 August 2021

Post radiation fatigue

Last reply: 04 August 2021 16:18
Hi there, I wondered if anyone else has felt bouts of fatigue post radiotherapy? I finished treatment in the middle of March and I’ve noticed I still get intermittent spells of fatigue.
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posted by avmac
24 July 2021

Palliative chemo

Last reply: 04 August 2021 14:59
Hi, my mum has just started on palliative chemo. She was on immunotherapy but it stopped working. What is the purpose of palliative chemo? From my understanding, it will just prolong her life by a few months? Is this right? We haven’t asked about a timeframe, but I kinda need to know. I know it all depends on whether or not the treatment actually does anything for her. She has been fighting cancer for over 5 years now. Thanks
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posted by Siobhan S
24 July 2021

Metastatic lesion already?

Last reply: 04 August 2021 13:21
Hey peeps, not sure why I'm here I just need to vent??! Stage IV Breast Cancer diagnosed last November Post mastectomy and node clearance last Sept. Had chemo and stereotatic radiotherapy on a single met lesion found on a rib which was described at aggressive. Finished treatment on March 26th last and am back at work 4 weeks and loving it. Last week have been getting pinching/ sharp pain just below my mastectomy scar ( right where original lump was on my breast). Contacted the breast unit and have an appt on Wed next. I'm afraid it another rib lesion. I don't feel any lump/ scar tissue on or around my scar in fact I have never had a bother with the scar. Does anyone know if another metastatic lesion could appear this soon after chemo ( finished chemo on 1st March). Thanks
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posted by ES
28 May 2021


Last reply: 30 July 2021 01:09
I had mammogram and ultrasound in symptomatic clinic in Galway on 26th March. I still haven't received results. Neither has my gp. Its impossible to get through to them on the phone. Can I assume as I've been waiting this long that my results are clear?
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posted by shellhgd
17 July 2021

Husband diagnosed

Last reply: 29 July 2021 18:58
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posted by Ebony2021
24 July 2021

Post radiation for breast cancer

Last reply: 26 July 2021 15:19
Hi, I was diagnosed with BC in Feb in my right breast, I had lumpectomy and a month of radi therapy which finished mid May. Everything healed and settled down into June. I started tamoxifen early June also. But since early July I have constant ache and discomfort in both armpits. So bad it woke me up at night. I've been back to my consultant in June & he referred me for mammo and u/s of both sides, which I had done 2 wks ago. The radiologist there said pain & lumps in right side are most likely due to radiation therapy and that the covid vax can cause swelling in area where I received my vax (left arm). While left armpit isn't as bad now as it was, the right has got worse since the mammo & u/s. Finding it uncomfortable to wear bra and to sleep, with heaviness & discomfort. Is this normal 10 wks post radiation therapy even when it seem to settle down in June. Or is it something I need to get re checked or mri? I'm anxious something is amiss. Thank you for your help.
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posted by Bradybunch042
20 July 2021


Last reply: 26 July 2021 14:34
My pharmacy says that the total cost of my medication is not covered under the Drugs Payment Scheme as I am having 2 cycles of chemo per month. Is this usual?
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posted by marzipan4791
16 March 2020

Melanoma Diagnosis

Last reply: 19 July 2021 21:01
I was referred to a Consultant Dermatologist last July 2019. I had a mole on my neck which was changing. I finally got a call on 23rd December for a consultation on 2nd January 2020. I had the entire mole removed on 15th January 2020. I thought it was okay, it was removed so I really didn't give it much thought until I got my results on 25th February 2020. I did not expect to be given a diagnosis of melanoma. The thickness was 1.5mm and the stage is 1B which is early but I had to wait 6 weeks for results which really threw me. Initially, my form was good, at the time I remember thinking why am I so upbeat. This didn't last. This turned into furious anger. Why me? I always wear high factor protection, I am not a sun worshiper, I don't use sunbeds. I am having a WLE and SNB done this week. I am terrified, I won't tell a lie. I am a single Mom to an almost 16 year old daughter. I had to tell her last night, she is still in shock, I am still to be honest, I haven't really gotten my head around it because I was not expecting the diagnosis. I am just hoping that it hasn't spread any further. It has been so upsetting and stressful so far, if I have to face another bit of bad news, I don't know how I will cope.
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posted by emerbarry01
07 July 2021


Last reply: 17 July 2021 21:41
I’m starting treatment next week and I’m looking for advise and what types of headwear to buy and where to buy them.
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