Metastatic lesion already?
Hey peeps, not sure why I'm here I just need to vent??! Stage IV Breast Cancer diagnosed last November Post mastectomy and node clearance last Sept. Had chemo and stereotatic radiotherapy on a single met lesion found on a rib which was described at aggressive. Finished treatment on March 26th last and am back at work 4 weeks and loving it. Last week have been getting pinching/ sharp pain just below my mastectomy scar ( right where original lump was on my breast). Contacted the breast unit and have an appt on Wed next. I'm afraid it another rib lesion. I don't feel any lump/ scar tissue on or around my scar in fact I have never had a bother with the scar. Does anyone know if another metastatic lesion could appear this soon after chemo ( finished chemo on 1st March). Thanks
Hi Siobhan,
Thank you for contacting the Irish Cancer Society.
I am sorry to learn of the difficulties which you have had with pain at your mastectomy scar site. After having breast cancer surgery some woman can have problems with pain at the scar site, chest wall armpit or arm. This pain can be caused by tissue damage and/or nerve damage. Any new pain or symptom needs to be reviewed by your breast care team.
You were right to contact the breast unit for review of this pain. The breast care team will be able to review you and the mastectomy site and advise if you need any further follow up.
If you would like to talk with one of our cancer nurses about this or any other concerns please contact us on the Support Line, 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Kind regards,
Cancer Nurse