Facebook group for younger women with a BC diagnosis
Hello to any younger women with a breast cancer diagnosis:
In case you haven't heard of this, I just wanted to let you know of a Facebook group where I have found a lot of support. It's called 'Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK) Secret Group' or YBCN. It's well run/moderated etc and seems to be gaining a lot of recognition in the UK.
Though it's a UK-based, secret group (so you have to message them to join) it's also open to women in Ireland. In fact they have recently set up regional sub-groups, including one for Ireland.
Hope this info is of help. Maybe see you there. Ciara x
Hi tea leaves
I got your pm and managed to contact them and joined yesterday. Thanks for posting about this.
Hi all
Another new group just set up on Facebook aimed at younger woman but all welcome. As it affects all ages This one is based in Ireland and only 4 days old. It was set up by 7 ladies all going through treatment but at different stages on this journey.
The page is still in it's infancy so any input would be appreciated.
Breast friends is the page name. Once again all are welcome.
Message for Newtothis:
I tried replying to your message but it seems to be sitting in my outbox.
Unfortunately, I am a bit of a Facebook novice, so sorry if this advice isn't much use... I joined the group by sending them a message from their main page, telling them a bit about myself, and they replied to my message and directed me from there. It was pretty straightforward.
When you say 'the new Facebook messenger', are you talking about the app? I haven't used that app yet. Have you tried using a regular browser instead?
Hope that helps...?