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posted by chickaroo82
11 December 2022


Last reply: 28 December 2022 10:42
I recently had a colposcopy where I had a biopsy done. My doctor told me I'd have to have a LLETZ treatment. My biopsy fro colposcopy said I was stage 1a1 and done the LLETZ. The doc then rang me and said I am 1a2 and I now need to be transferred for scans to another hospital. I'm extremely confused as the doc told me that I would only need a LLETZ or worse case a hysterectomy. I'm concerned as when I was initially diagnosed she was saying all I would need would be another LLETZ and now it's gone to scans. I didn't realize I would need scans at this early 1a2 stage....
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posted by JL
27 October 2022

Getting Biopsy result on Thursday next

Last reply: 27 December 2022 13:09
Hi I am getting a prostate biopsy result next Thursday. I only met my Uroligst once before MRI and was suprised I got a call for biopsy without any fedback on MRI . Radiologist was very nice etc but was very evacive when I asked about MRI score. It was explained to me that I would only get a biopsy if MRI was 4/5. While I think I can accept what ever the outcome is, I am the type of person who likes lots of information. Is there a list of questions I should bring to appointment. In the letter I was advised to bring somebody with me to the appointment. The letter was standard, so may have no relevance. My preference is to go on my own. My wife who would be very good at the meeting would like to attend but will respect my choice. Any advice. PS I am 61 and this is my first time being a patient. Thanks John
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posted by JL
27 December 2022

Post Prostatectomy

Hi I had a prostatectomy on August 9th on August 9th and cathera removed on 19th I am doing daily exercises but am still very incontinent. I know this is in normal range but wondering if there is anything else I can do. I have booked specialist physio appointment but earliest is Feb 1st. Regards John
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posted by pauliii
03 October 2021

Stomach Cancer

Last reply: 19 December 2022 23:26
Hello all, My husband, 43, has been diagnosed with a stage 4 gastric Cancer last week! We were shocked as he had no symptoms other thank an occasional heartburn. We were told it was probably caught early given his young age, no symptoms and general good health. How I wish that was true! Last week the scans showed it has spread to the abdomen area and we were told it is no longer operable! Here I am writing to you desperate! We have three kids age 12 and under (youngest is 1.5). We are both foreigners living in ireland for 15 years now and have no family here! I am terrified of what is to come 😱😱😭😭😭
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posted by GRNHL
11 December 2022

Sickness after RChop

Last reply: 19 December 2022 15:55
Hi, I'm going into my 3rd round of Chemo (RChop) for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and I have been extremely sick after my last two. I had to get admitted back into hospital the last time. Has anyone else experienced sickness like this?? im aware it's a side effect but it horrendous for me!! Thanks.
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posted by parky
04 December 2022

Recent diagnosis of prostate cancer

Last reply: 19 December 2022 15:53
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The urologist has informed me it is at the early stages thankfully with a score of 7. He told me I had three treatment options available to choose from. Surgery, External beam radiation or brachytherapy. My initial leaning is towards the brachytherapy following a discussion with the urologist. I will hopefully meet the oncologist in the next couple of weeks to discuss the options further. Has anyone had this form of treatment? The research I have read indicates it has a quicker recovery time with less side effects. Is this the case?
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posted by duffy1984
13 December 2022

Chemo and sore throat

Last reply: 16 December 2022 15:01
Hi My father 76 has just started chemo/radium for lung cancer stage 3c. He has had his 1st of 3 of chemo thursday gone and will start his first of 30 radium next week. He is complaining of a very sore throat and alot of phlegm in his throat, No temp is this normal
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posted by liverlady
07 December 2022

How long until Diagnosis?

Last reply: 13 December 2022 10:40
Hi, my consultant told me recently that my ultrasound showed a mass on my liver. He didn’t say if he thought it was cancer specifically but I have cirrhosis so I’m at risk, I’m waiting for an urgent MRI since 9th of November. How long typically is the wait for MRIs or how long does diagnosis usually take? Thanks
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posted by Sweetheart06
01 December 2022

Pancreatic cancer referral time

Last reply: 10 December 2022 18:24
Hi My mother has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She has had her scans and a biopsy was taken almost 2 weeks ago. How long will she have to wait to see the oncologist and find out about potential treatments? Thank you
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posted by liverlady
07 December 2022

How long until diagnosis?

Hi, my consultant told me recently that my ultrasound showed a mass on my liver. He didn’t say if he thought it was cancer specifically but I have cirrhosis so I’m at risk, I’m waiting for an urgent MRI since 9th of November. How long typically is the wait for MRIs or how long does diagnosis usually take? Thanks
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