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posted by rubiablanch
25 February 2023

Eribulin / hair loss

Last reply: 07 March 2023 16:59
Hi there Does anyone know if the hair loss is severe on this chemo? Do Mater Public do cold cap? thanks x
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posted by annashels
02 March 2023

Dentist work and chemo

Last reply: 07 March 2023 16:27
Hello! I’m starting chemo in less than two weeks, so decided to go to the dentist yesterday. Turns out I need a couple of fillings. I’m just wondering if this is something I should get sorted asap before my first infusion or if there’s time to get them while I’m receiving treatment? I’d also like to know if there are any schemes that cap the cost of dentistry work for cancer patients that you know of. Thanks!
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posted by Hopeful
23 February 2023

Waiting times

Last reply: 03 March 2023 16:29
Hi all, my mam was diagnosed with lung cancer , its non small cell lung cancer - squamous cell carcinoma. We were told the next steps she will have to get a pet scan and brain scan and see an oncologist to decide on treatment which will either be chemotherapy or immunotherapy. The pet scan appointment is next week but I was just wondering if anyone what are the normal waiting times to see the oncologist and for treatment to get started? Its been over a week now since the diagnosis I thought we would have at least received an appointment by now so am getting a bit anxious, a week is a whole lot longer when you have received news like this
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posted by sandra10
23 February 2023


Last reply: 03 March 2023 02:00
Hi Looking if anyone has had a diagnosis of this particular cancer signet cell gastric adenocarcioma My husband had no symptoms just off food for 2 to 3 weeks was admitted to hospital in late September 2022 got a diagnosis of stage 4 signet cell gastric cancer 12 days later and died 12 days after that seemly this cancer shows no symptoms till your stage 4 . It has been so hard to accept that someone can be taken so suddenly really on the flip of a coin . Have looked for information or support group but their does not seem to be any. We as a family are heartbroken at how sudden the onset was and are looking for anyone who has had this or has information.
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posted by misty24
21 February 2023

Breast Lump

Last reply: 02 March 2023 10:32
Hi I found a hard painless lump in my breast last Friday the doctor sent referral letter to saint james hospital. I'm 45 years of age. How long are the waiting list at the moment please
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posted by abc@@@@1234
01 March 2021

Oesophageal Cancer

Last reply: 02 March 2023 06:47
My Father is 67 years old and was diagnosed in December 2020 with Advanced Oesophageal Cancer, we are devastated, my family’s lives are in turmoil and my father is trying to come to terms with a death sentence. He could not avail of immunotherapy drugs that are known to help slow the growth of tumours as these drugs are not available to him for the type of cancer he has. What is wrong in this country? Why are we so behind? Why do we let people die without offering them the best possible help and care they need as these drugs could have helped prolong his life. Medical Cannabis is another drug that might have helped prolong his life but you have to meet a certain criteria to avail of Medical Cannabis as it states on, my Father has nothing to loose by trying any of these drugs but he can’t. My Father is not a number, he has a human right to access best possible care which should include medicine/drugs. As I’m typing this my father is dying in a hospital on his own and my family are helpless as we can’t help him. This is for my Dad xxx love you
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posted by abc@@@@1234
23 May 2021

Oesophageal Cancer

Last reply: 02 March 2023 06:43
I didn’t tell you the full story, as my father was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2009 and he got the all clear but was going back to hospital every year to get checked and had a CT scan in July 2020 to check for cancer and his last appointment was in October 2020 in relation to the bladder cancer and he was told all was good, he was delighted, we were delighted, then in November 2020 he began having swallowing difficulties and was losing weight but all the medical professionals were telling him everything was good so he or we didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. He was put on acid reflux tablets for 2 weeks at first as they thought it might be acid reflux, symptoms persisted (swallowing difficulty) my Mother rang our Doctors again and they were going to prescribe another weeks course of acid reflux tablets, but I explained to my Mother that she needed to ring them back as something was not right and ask for a letter for A&E. My father went to A&E on the 7th of December 2020 and on the 8th of December all alone was told he had advanced oesophageal cancer with a mass of 35 to 40cm in his oesophagus and it had spread to his liver, what a bombshell, it’s unbelievable 😭 My Father passed away on the 7th of March 2021.
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posted by Esther
27 February 2023

HPV and precancerous cells

I was a busy mother of two girls and working as a reporter at my local news station alongside my husband. We always had a million things we were juggling, but I knew it was important to make time for regular cervical cancer screenings. I have a great relationship with my doctor. He delivered both of my children. I had great trust in him, and his office was excellent in helping me stay on track with my regular screenings and appointments. It was around Christmas when I went in for one of my regular screenings. I didn’t think anything of it since it was just a routine appointment that I had done so many times before. But I’ll never forget getting a call afterwards from my doctor—my Pap test had come back abnormal and the sample they took had precancerous cells. Getting that call was surreal and shocking. At my age, breast cancer was definitely on my mind, but I was never worried about cervical cancer. I immediately went into survival mode after hearing “precancerous cells.” I was a journalist and news anchor for 32 years before recently retiring. Thanks to this work, I am used to digging into the details and researching everything. As soon as I hung up the phone, I went into journalist mode. I knew it was important to advocate for myself and lead with knowledge and not fear in order to take control of my health. I peppered my doctor with questions, and we had a lot of discussions about the options available to me. Taking the time to educate myself and work with my doctor to make a plan that worked best for me really helped ground me during the whole process. I decided to undergo a treatment recommended by doc, done in 2 courses with Cervugid Ovules (vaginal) and Isoprinosine Tablets (oral) . During my recovery, I remember resting at home and feeling so thankful for that appointment. If I wouldn’t have had it, the future might have looked very different for me. It can be very daunting. People hear the word “precancerous cells” and wonder, “Will I survive this? Will I always have to live with this?” But I know that doesn’t always have to be the case. We can find these issues early on, prevent cancer before it even starts and go on to recover and thrive in our lives. As a public figure, I knew it was important to be an advocate for health. I started talking about my experience and sharing stories of other women who had similar experiences with finding cancer early, since this can happen to anyone. With so much going on in our lives, it can be so easy to fall behind and not prioritize medical appointments. I want everyone to know appointments can change your life. If something feels off, trust your intuition. If you have questions, it’s very important to ask them so you can take control of your health.
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posted by Autumblaze
24 February 2023

Medical card

Last reply: 24 February 2023 22:30
Any idea how long it takes to get a mamagram from hospital .I'm on a medical card in my 40
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posted by squindee
13 February 2023

Ovarian cancer patients in Ireland

Last reply: 30 April 2024 18:56
Hi, I'm just wondering if there are other ovarian cancer patients on this site. There seems to be no forums (on FB etc) and I think it would be great to make contact with people going through the same thing, thanks in advance, Linda
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