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posted by ap1983
05 January 2023

ketogenic diet

Last reply: 09 January 2023 17:03
Hi, i have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was wondering if ketogenic diet is good for me or should i stay with balance diet.
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posted by jerry o'reilly
23 November 2022

prostate cancer

Last reply: 09 January 2023 04:25
I have been diagnoised with prostate cancer I had a biopsy and have been referred for a TAP CT & BONE SCAN. The request went in from the consultant 10 days ago and i have been told it could take8/10 weeks to get the scan done in St Vincents Hospital. I wonder is there anyway or anyhow i could get the scans earlier
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posted by libra1975
30 December 2022

Late effects radiotherapy

Last reply: 07 January 2023 18:00
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience. I finished two weeks of radiotherapy the end of July this year. I had mild side effects, like itchy skin, redness, breast feeling hot. They disappeared about five weeks after. But for the last six weeks or so, it has come back stronger than before. I am still moisturizing twice daily and doing my exercises. But my breast has become slightly bigger than the other one, is painful, itchy red and sometimes feels warm. I was referred back to the breast clinic but was told it's from the radiotherapy and to take paracetamol. I honestly felt fobbed off by the doctor (not my breast surgeon). Has anyone advice on what product to use? I am using Aveeno at the moment. Has anyone experienced something similar? Its really getting to me now, and I don't sleep well, due to the pain. Thanks for any advice
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posted by Stage1apath
10 January 2022


Last reply: 05 January 2023 22:48
A number of weeks after receiving first two Covid vaccine a mole emerged on top right arm. Kept an eye on its development a number of months later got a private appointment with a dermatologist . Got it taken out and it was determined to be Stage 1a melanoma and two months after that got appointment for wider excision and told got everything. Follow up is with dermatologist every 3/4 months and he is checking lymph nodes - no ultrascans suggested - it fact just this. . Question: I keep hearing about a protocol care pathway for melanoma cancer which is the same for public and private patients but no one can give me documents or information has given me any information . I am reading all sorts of research documents on links with Covid vaccine on the internet and now getting very concerned . has this come up in this forum before
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posted by lillywhite52
02 January 2023

New lump

Last reply: 04 January 2023 20:11
I was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma with local spread to lymph nodes in dec 2020. I had chemo, R mastectomy, axillary node clearance, oral chemo, radiotherapy and am now on tamoxifen. Over the Christmas break I have discovered a lump in my right armpit. (Side of surgery )My question is do I contact my oncology team or the breast care nurse in st James. I’m not sure if I’ve been discharged from the surgical team though.
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posted by Karen Crossley
31 August 2019


Last reply: 04 January 2023 13:06
My husband has level 2 prostate cancer which thankfully has not spread but he is due to have it operated on the 25th September. He was thinking of delaying due to the following issues we have, he recently retrained at 58 to be a health care worker hense the diagnosis been caught early. He cannot claim illness benefit due to not enough stamps been paid in 2017/18. I earn too much when means tested.We are plowing through paperwork for emergency medical card as hospital bill over €800 when done.He has a timer countdown on his phone is very moody and blames me for everything.Everywhere we turn we hit a brick wall.Im just sad i cant fix this and cant help him. To make matters worse i am due to go away with my mam for a couple of days and back day before he is due to go in he will not let me cancel it. Im lost and tearful
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posted by twig88
14 December 2022


Last reply: 02 January 2023 01:39
Hi, I’ve finished 4 rounds of AC Chemo and I am due to start 12 rounds of taxel next week. Just want to know anyone’s experience of side effects? I actually flew through AC. Does your hair start to come back while on taxel??
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posted by hughie
12 July 2021

Prostate Cancer Choices

Last reply: 28 December 2022 20:57
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. It's not aggressive but serious enough to need to be removed. I now need to choose between surgery and radiation. I have read about both options and would be grateful for experiences for others who have been through one or the other and the long term effects, such as incontinence. Thanks
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posted by Sunnyshe
26 December 2022

Gel overlay on nails

Last reply: 28 December 2022 14:15
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer, I will be having a lumpectomy shortly. I currently wear gel overlay on my nails and have done for a few years, is it advisable to have it all removed before my surgery and any follow on treatment, chemo/radiotherapy? I know this is probably a silly question, but I'm just preparing myself for the next few weeks, as I would have to have the gel nails removed professionally. Thanks in advance 😊
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posted by JL
27 December 2022

Post Prostatectomy

Last reply: 28 December 2022 14:11
Hi I had a prostatectomy on Dec 9th and cathera removed on 19th I am doing daily exercises but am still very incontinent. I know this is in normal range but wondering if there is anything else I can do. I have booked specialist physio appointment but earliest is Feb 1st. Regards John
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