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posted by Panada
21 February 2023

Breast puckering

Last reply: 23 February 2023 14:16
Hi I'm 16 yrs old. When i lift up my arm on my right breast around my nipple the skin puckers. Today I noticed that by my underarm my skin is dimpling/puckering now. My right breast is also more larger and veinier than my left. My grandma also had breast cancer I know it's rare to have breast cancer this young but should I be concerned?
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posted by neady1980
15 February 2023

Worrying symptoms

Last reply: 22 February 2023 16:27
Hi, I'm a 42 year old female who has been suffering with endometriosis since the age of 16. Last August I had a D&C due to a Miscarriage and everything has been grand up until January. I've started to bleed mid cycle not heavy but lasts 3 days, happened in January and this Month. Also I have a constant ache in lower abdomen (not the same pain I get with endo). I've also been getting pain coming and going in the back of my calf and spasms shooting up through my back passage aswell as loose stools. I have explained all these symptoms that have started in the last 8 weeks but because my smear was clear it just keeps getting put down to endometriosis. They have agreed to give me an MRI scan hopefully won't be waiting that long but these symptoms are so worrying. Has anybody else had similar issues just feel like I'm being fobbed of and everything is put down to endometriosis when I know something else is going on
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posted by Doyle
16 February 2023

Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 20 February 2023 15:26
I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is Gleeson score 7 (3 + 4). I have been told that my two options are surgery or radiotherapy. I have researched both but I am struggling to decide which is the best option. I think I may have to make this decision myself although my urologist will be coming back to me in the next week or so. Both treatments seem to be equally effective but I am struggling to decide which to choose. Any advice would be welcomed.
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posted by abc@@@@1234
23 May 2021

Oesophageal Cancer

Last reply: 19 February 2023 04:45
See full post on caring for someone with cancer. I didn’t tell you the full story, as my father was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2009 and he got the all clear but was going back to hospital every year to get checked and had a CT scan in July 2020 to check for cancer and his last appointment was in October 2020 in relation to the bladder cancer and he was told all was good, he was delighted, we were delighted, then in November 2020 he began having swallowing difficulties and was losing weight but all the medical professionals were telling him everything was good so he or we didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. He was put on acid reflux tablets for 2 weeks at first as they thought it might be acid reflux, symptoms persisted (swallowing difficulty) my Mother rang our Doctors again and they were going to prescribe another weeks course of acid reflux tablets, but I explained to my Mother that she needed to ring them back as something was not right and ask for a letter for A&E. My father went to A&E on the 7th of December 2020 and on the 8th of December all alone was told he had advanced oesophageal cancer with a mass of 35 to 40cm in his oesophagus and it had spread to his liver, what a bombshell, it’s unbelievable 😭 My father passed away on the 7th of March 2021.
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posted by fionamay23
14 February 2023

Ovary Cyst Removal

Last reply: 14 February 2023 18:41
Hi My 11 year old daughter had an ovarian cyst and one fallopian tube removed due to the cyst being twisted around the tube. This was in November 2022. She presented with severe abdominal pain and it was discovered during a laparoscopy. The gynaecologist was happy with the outcome of the procedure. I enquired if there was anything to be worried about with regards the cyst and it appeared he wasn’t concerned. He said it would be sent away to be examined but would take at least 2 months for results as it would not be deemed priority. He told me when she was being discharged to ring for results to put my mind at ease in 6-8 weeks. It’s now 14 weeks and they say there is a backlog of up to 20 weeks. I got a discharge summary sent to me in the post and there is no mention of waiting on results but says was discharged for gynaecology follow up. I rang the gynaecologist secretary and she said results were not back but the follow up would be based on these results. She also said she can only tell me if results are back and I’ll need to discuss with my own gp. So I’m a little worried and confused by it all. What is the procedure for getting results and should I be worried as it’s taking so long. My daughter is in excellent health and good form. Thank you.
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posted by Sunnyshe
10 February 2023

OncotypeDX test

Last reply: 13 February 2023 11:30
Hi guys. Just wondering if my Oncotype DX test result comes back in the high range, with a high occurrence of family female cancers (uterine, breast and ovarian cancers) is it a possibility that i may be put forward for, hysterectomy, ovary removal and double mastectomy with reconstruction, along with chemo? I'm also waiting on genetic test results. My head is telling me this would be the right thing to do, to ensure a cancer free future, but not sure if this would be a "norm" in my situation.
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posted by smiffy86
12 February 2023

Phone call for results

Hi everyone, I had uterine polyps removed and send away to be tested at the end of November. I got a letter Fri for a virtual phone call appointment with the gynecologist for Fri week and now I'm panicking, I'm thinking if all was clear they would send a letter saying that and the call might be to arrange more tests. I'm wondering if appointments are being done either way over the phone at the moment as I know the waiting lists I that department are crazy at the moment
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posted by indigoalice
01 February 2023

Breast cancer diagnosis

Last reply: 12 February 2023 11:43
Hi my name is Alice and Ive got breast cancer. Im attending St Vincents hospital for treatment. So its in the left breast and got into lymphs. Next step is CT scan then chemo, then op then radiotherapy, for now fingers and everything crossed. I am 47 years of age.I would like to ask another wou for man who had a similar diagnosis and has already travelled this road for a chat? I am very grateful to you in advance and thank you for reading my post. Alice x
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posted by ShaneK
04 February 2023

Family in denial

Last reply: 08 February 2023 16:09
Hello. My dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We have just been told that it is now terminal and his life expectancy is very short. This has come as a complete shock and my Dad and I have come to accept this diagnosis, however my sister has been in denial ever since. We also lost our mother when we were young to cancer and there is a lot of unresolved trauma so I understand why my sister is finding it so difficult to accept. My sister and I love our dad very much and we are a very close family. We our trying our best to care for him at home and keep him safe, however we are both doing this in different ways. I am trying to help my dad be as comfortable as possible and want to spend as much quality time with him as I can before he goes. I want to have the much needed and very difficult conversations with him to ensure we grant him all his wishes for whatever remaining time he has here. My sister is trying to wrap my dad up in a bubble and protect him in the hope that a miracle comes along and saves him. She is avoiding any difficult conversations and I feel my dad is scared to talk to her in fear of upsetting her. I'm worried that one day she will look back and realize she wasted all of her time with my dad clinging onto false hope instead of enjoying the time she has left with him. If she knows that I've spoken to my dad about death or end of life wishes she gets very angry thinking that I'm scaring my dad and making him loose hope on getting better. I understand she is scared and I have tried to talk to her but I think she is so far in denial the conversations may break us apart. I have never fought with my sister but we have had a couple of intense conversations the last two weeks. I worry for my Dad and I worry for my sister and I hope someone can give me advice on how to deal with this situation. I mostly want my Dad to know we will be okay and for him to be able to talk to us about his fears and what he wants for the remainder of his life
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posted by georgie76
29 January 2023

Biopsy results question

Last reply: 05 February 2023 20:46
Wondering if someone can help? I am awaiting results of a breast biopsy-2.5 weeks between biopsy and results appointment. Wondering if anyone felt lumpier after the biopsy? And if this is normal. Also wondering if the hospital (mater breast clinic) will indicate if you should bring someone with you? I know that over covid-that wasn’t happening-but has anyone recently diagnose been advised to bring a supportive person with them? Don’t want to go alone if I’m getting back news-but equally don’t want people taken days off for no reason. Thanks so much for any help y oh can give me.
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