Breast cancer
posted by Margaret78
29 May 2014

My first experience with how the system works

Last reply: 06 September 2014 20:38

Hello Image removed. ,

Perhaps it is merely my reflection but health care system seems to cover only those who are either well off or very poor. I do not qualify for medical card, saying that by no means I am doing well, struggling is more appropriate word to use and my twice a year visit to GP is something I need to wisely incorporate into my budget. I had an opportunity to do a cheap mammogram when abroad. I took it. €20 including CD and narrative...not a bad deal and having already enquired after mammogram in Dublin I knew I am just a bit too young to get a free one and too poor to go privately Image removed. . Unfortunately, the result was not "all clear". Something has been detected in my left breast and I was being advised to follow up with an ultrasound. So I went to GP and was being refereed for ultrasound. Since I am just over 35, it is free too (Yuupeee Image removed. ). I was told by my GP that in two weeks I should be contacted about my appointment. There was no phone call or any letter for another two months so I started making enquiries and found out (after many fruitless conversations) that consultant, based on short note from my GP and without requesting to see my mammogram or anything else concluded that I am a low risk and my appointment is for December (10 months later). After many phone calls to my GP and hospital it seems that December is the best they can do and I can either humbly accept it or do ultrasound privately. In a state of panic I asked my GP if I can pay to speed up the process (I asked expensive it can be....€50, €60? After all I have a genuine reason to do it). When I expressed the wish to pay for it, I was called by the hospital nearly straight away, to my surprise, I was being offered next day appointment and other days that week were also available. Talking of jumping the queue. The price was the last detail mentioned and it was either €130 or more, not sure that is how shocked I was. Of course this is only ultrasound, consultation before/after ultrasound would be most likely another costly affair. I called back half an hour later and cancelled my appointment then I broke down crying. It is my first experience of how things work and though I did not have high expectations I guess, I hoped things are bit better organized than that. 10 months long waiting list sounds like a dead sentence for those who actually might have a cancer and 10 months long mental torture for all including those who are lucky enough to get "all clear" at the end. What saddens me most is that 10 months, in the same place, can be reduced to 24 hours as long as you are willing to splash the when thinking of expression “duty to care” I dare to add “for cash payees only”.

It angers me that whomever assessed my case decided, by looking at one line long note from my GP, that I am a low risk. I could respect that decision if followed by review of the mammogram CD but they never bothered to ask for it or showed any interest in it. Instead they based their whole diagnosis on a short note. It is scary to think that it is how present days professionals assess patient’s health, no facts, no figures just a reasonable guess. One can only wonder if, in the same circumstances, the daughter or mother of same person who reviewed my case would be put on 10 months long waiting list.

I will be going abroad to visit my family in three months and I will organise ultrasound and whatever else is necessary when there. After 10 years of being in full time employment, paying taxes, levies and all the rest I am forced to seek medical help abroad because only there I can afford it. It is all very sad and depressing. I wholeheartedly hope I do not have anything to worry, after finding out it takes 10 months to get ultrasound to check a lump for cancer I am dreading getting sick in here. This whole experience seriously scared me. It is sad when only rich can afford decent care and next day appointments while the rest of us is forced to wait on a 10 months long lists Image removed.

enough from me, just needed to get it off my chest.



commented by Resolute
29 May 2014

29 May 2014 18:48

Hello Margaret
I am touched (and saddened) by your description of your treatment.. It is appalling to think that armed with the mammogram results you still have to wait that long. It sounds to me like your GP could be more helpful? When I went to my GP with my lump, she swung into action and I was seen the following week.. There is no way I could have endured waiting 10 months.. (Like you I'm too poor to go private & too rich to have a medical card Image removed. ).. I'm sorry that I don't have any solution for you but I think that you need to keep knocking until someone gives you answers Image removed.
Take care
Resolute x

commented by Mardi
29 May 2014

29 May 2014 20:16

That is sickening, totally inexcusable.
It is highly likely that there is no problem : it is very common for women under 40 to have dense tissue that shows up in mammogram, but you need to have confirmation of this and the delay is unreasonable.

commented by encee
29 May 2014

29 May 2014 22:04

Hi Margaret78

My heart goes out to you; it's a surreal place to be when you have been told that there may be suspicion around your scan, let alone the frustration of trying to get into the system here.

I do agree with Resolute when it begs to be asked can your GP not advocate a little more for you, especially with the situation you are in. I would also try and get an email for the director of services of your nearest treatment centre, stating your dissatisfaction with the level of care you are being offered, and to the Minister of Health. I won't say that it will do much good (and it would be great if it did!) but at least you will know that you have done what you can to push this for yourself.

The very best of luck to you, and I hope everything works out x

commented by happymum
29 May 2014

29 May 2014 22:52

Hello Margaret, I felt too that I just had to respond to your sad email.I am so sorry you have been treated in this way and left in no mans land so to speak.I totally agree with the other ladies, your G P should have done more for you. What exactly did she/he say in their referral letter to treatment centre . I can not speak highly enough of my gp , once I saw her I had appointment within 3 weeks and I also had a similar experience 4 years ago and again I was seen very quickly.Perhaps you should have a chat with your gp and see if they can be more helpful. You will have yourself driven demented if you have to wait 10 months or even till you go abroad in 3 months. The very best of luck and please god you will get sorted sooner than later.

commented by Margaret78
30 May 2014

30 May 2014 13:52

Hello Ladies,

Thank yo u so much for all your kind and supportive comments. I feared for a second I will be criticized heavily for my little rant. I did not want to sound spoiled but I was truly shocked hearing December date, I think the person calling me had to repeat it twice or three times becasue I genuinely though my hearing is off. I will try to call my GP again and see if anything can be done. I ask myself if refusing to do ultrasound privately was wise, even considering the price, but I was also being warned by my GP that if I pay for ultrasound and it turns out biopsy is needed I will have to pay for biopsy too. This whole experience is a big eye opener in terms of how the system works and what I can expect if I get sick.

Reading messages on this webpage educated me a lot about the process and what others go through, some very touching, brave stories. Thank you so much again and wish you all the best. Please share your stories and thoughts...some make me smile some bring tears to my eyes but all help a lot.

commented by Newtothis
30 May 2014

30 May 2014 19:35

Hi Margaret,
I also couldn't not reply, I'm shocked at your waiting time, can I ask where you are located? Last year when I was referred for my triple assessment, I received an appointment for 6 weeks later and I thought that was bad. Luckily I have health insurance and was able to get a private appointment for the following week instead (seeing consultant on that day still cost me €180). I was breastfeeding at the time of my referral and GP thought the lumps were probably just blocked ducts so definitely didn't refer me as an urgent case but maybe actual lumps bump you up the list? I also know someone who found lumps about 3 weeks ago and had their assessment last week so I thought the waiting lists we're getting shorter, they definitely went public. Both cases above were for Beaumont hospital. I think what your GP writes on the referral letter is very important, I would ask them to stress your anxiety levels and worry.
I really hope you get sorted, that delay is disgraceful.

commented by Katie
30 May 2014

30 May 2014 20:01

Hi Margaret,

I'm so sorry to hear that that you have been put on such a long list! When I found a 'denseness' in my breast I went immediately to my GP and he couldn't find anything and sent me away saying it was nothing! Weeks later I wasn't happy and returned again to him and then he felt there was 'something' to be investigated so he sent me for a triple assessment - because he felt it was 'urgent' I got an appointment the following day for ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy which proved that I was right and I needed treatment etc.
So I would say go back to your GP and get him to re-refer you so you can be seen sooner!! He needs to make more information available so as they can make a proper diagnostic assessment!! Hopefully it will prove to be nothing at all!!!
Best of Luck!!

commented by Margaret78
03 June 2014

03 June 2014 13:41

[quote="Newtothis":2443ronp]Hi Margaret,
I also couldn't not reply, I'm shocked at your waiting time, can I ask where you are located? Last year when I was referred for my triple assessment, I received an appointment for 6 weeks later and I thought that was bad. Luckily I have health insurance and was able to get a private appointment for the following week instead (seeing consultant on that day still cost me €180). I was breastfeeding at the time of my referral and GP thought the lumps were probably just blocked ducts so definitely didn't refer me as an urgent case but maybe actual lumps bump you up the list? I also know someone who found lumps about 3 weeks ago and had their assessment last week so I thought the waiting lists we're getting shorter, they definitely went public. Both cases above were for Beaumont hospital. I think what your GP writes on the referral letter is very important, I would ask them to stress your anxiety levels and worry.
I really hope you get sorted, that delay is disgraceful.

Hi Pamela,

I was being referred to St James's Hospital. I will be today visiting my GP to pick up prescription and one more time I will try to ask them to do something about my appointment. I keep thinking about it all the time and it drives me crazy. Not sure what I should do to speed up the process, whom to contact etc.


commented by Catherine1964
05 June 2014

05 June 2014 12:13

Hello Margaret,
I am very sorry you are being treated so shabbily, and left in such uncertainty.
I agree with others here that much depends on your GP and how they assess you.
I found a lump, and went to my GP the following day. She was so concerned that she called the consultant's office in James' while I was still in her surgery (I do have private insurance, thankfully), and I got an appointment for triple assessment within a week.
Like others said the consultant cost me around €180, and they decided to do an ultrasound which showed cancerous characteristic to what the consultant thought might only be a cyst, which then led to taking a sample for biopsy there and then - that cost a further €250.
Cancer was confirmed, but non aggressive and found early, no involvement of lymph nodes, so relatively benign treatment followed.
But what stays in my mind is that the mammogram was deemed "unhelpful" - i.e. it didn't even show the lump I could clearly feel and which the ultrasound absolutely showed!
I sincerely hope that you can soon be reassured that the mammogram showed nothing sinister after all - and this is statistically very likely - I just feel very sorry that you seem to have to wait quite so long, or spend a tiny fortune to gain peace of mind!
Keep us informed, our thoughts are with you!

commented by spudburf
06 September 2014

06 September 2014 20:38

I'm sorry to hear of your experience Margaret and yes I agree with the others - your GP needs to do more!

I was referred through my GP and was seen with a couple of weeks to the CUH in Cork. Not once was I asked if I had insurance or not and they have been fantastic. There is a family history though not my mother and it turned out I was caught very early so I count myself very lucky!

I would advise you to push your GP to do more if you can.

I wish you the best of luck.

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