Ask a Nurse
posted by Sons
07 March 2022

Papillary thyroid cancer

Last reply: 11 March 2022 13:51

Hello I was diagnosed before Xmas with papillary thyroid cancer I had the lump removed which was 5.8 cm and left lobe after biopsy came back as papillary cancer . I had the rest of my thyroid removed last Thursday the 3rd March that has now gone for biopsy. I am just wondering can this biopsy come back as a different cancer ? I am very confused with it all and have to wait 2 wks for results. I’m 40 yrs of age and have young kids so I’m stressing over this . I have been told I will prob need rai therapy but have to wait on these results . Any information will be great full . Regards Sonya .

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
11 March 2022

11 March 2022 13:51

Hi Sonya,

I am very sorry to read that you were diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer before Christmas. This must have been an awful shock for you and your family. I do hope that you are recovering well since your thyroidectomy.

It is normal for samples to be sent to the lab after a thyroidectomy. Samples will be analysed to provide more information about the cancer and diagnosis such the size and location of the cancer. This pathology information is important for staging your cancer and planning your treatment.

I know that this is a very stressful time waiting for these results. It may help you to speak with one of  the nurses on the Support Line and we could discuss this in more detail. The Support Line number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

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