Prostate with severe pain
My dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He never displayed any of the normal signs (frequent peeing etc) . He had pain in his "hip" for several months and after visiting a physio the pain Increased so he went to GP and got bloods. Bloods were irregular so he was referred to mater where he was diagnosed. After initial scans his surgeon displayed signs of urgency and wanted us to go to UK royal marsden for PSMA scan.
Me my dad and my mum went to London on 16th December for scan.
Follow up with surgeon was on 6th Jan where he was told surgery not an option. Cancer not in bones but it's in lymph nodes. They were told that surgeon was passing him on to a new consultant to discuss treatment plan.
Dad has started hormone tablets 1 per day and hormone injection to be administered after day 21 of tablets.
Meanwhile referral has been sent to Beaumont for additional treatment (radium) but we are still waiting to hear back.
My concern is and it's why I'm here is to find out if anyone else is experiencing this severe pain in the pelvic area that my dad is suffering? Have they missed something? On my research I can't seem to relate the pain my dad is suffering to this diagnosis. I want to put my faith in the professionals but what if they are missing something? We have been told its not spread to bones but what if it's rapidly spreading as we speak and hormone tablets aren't enough.
Just love some feedback as I don't want my dad to be treated by protocol if he needs more urgency but we are too ignorant to speak up.
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