Brain cancer
posted by Ger
15 November 2008

Malignant brain tumour

Last reply: 17 July 2010 08:13

Is there anyone out there who has or is living with a Oligodendroglioma upper grade 3 ( Malignant & aggressive brain tumour) Please get in touch Ger



commented by Irish Cancer Society
28 November 2008

28 November 2008 08:55

An oligodendroglioma is a type of brain tumour. It mainly occurs in adults although, occasionally children can be affected.

Oligodendroglioma begins in cells which make up the supportive tissue in the brain, called glial cells. Tumours in these cells are called gliomas. Oligodendrogliomas are an uncommon type of glioma.

There are different types of glial cells. One type known as the oligodendrocyte produces the fatty covering of nerve tissue. Oligodendrogliomas are made up of abnormal oligodendrocytes.

These tumours are most common in the front part of the brain, the cerebrum, particularly in the frontal



Where possible, surgery is the main treatment for oligodendroglioma. The aim of surgery is to remove as much of the tumour as possible without damaging the surrounding brain tissue. Depending on the size and position of the tumour, it may not be possible to remove it completely and further treatment may be given after the surgery.

Some tumours cannot be reached by surgery, or the risk of damage to the rest of the brain may be too high. If surgery is not possible, your doctor will discuss other types of treatment with you.


Radiotherapy treatment is the use of high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells and is often used after surgery. The aim of the radiotherapy is to destroy any remaining malignant cells. It may be used on its own to treat oligodendroglioma if surgery is not possible.

Radiotherapy is usually given as an external treatment, but occasionally it may be given in the form of radioactive implants (small radioactive metal objects which are inserted into the tumour during an operation).


Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs destroy cancer cells. It may be given alone, or together with surgery and/or radiotherapy to treat oligodendroglioma.


Brain Tumour Support Group . Patients may wish to speak to a volunteer who has been through surgery or treatment for both benign and cancer related conditions. Contact is through the Freefone Helpline at 1800-200-700.

-Our National Cancer Helpline is available on Freefone 1800 200 700 (Mon - Thurs 9 - 7, Fri 9 'til 5 ) Please call if you wish to speak to a specialist nurse in
-Our Cancer Chat is operational weekdays from 9am-5pm. Please vist and chat online, in real time, with a nurse trained in cancer care.
-Our new-look Message Board ( aims to foster an online community for people living with cancer, and their families and friends. Please
sign up and share your stories, ideas and advice with others.

commented by sadiki004lee
17 July 2010

17 July 2010 08:13

That is how fast do malignant brain tumors such as glioblastoma multiform or an aplastic astronomic typically grow without treatment.Because if treatment of brain tumor is not taken then it increase very fast and by that the person get many type of problem.I was told they double in size every eleven days, but I am not sure how true that is.
Thank You.
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