Breast cancer
posted by fluffy
01 May 2012


Last reply: 04 May 2012 15:43

Hi all...

Im 39 years old and was diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer in March this year.
Im currently in the 3rd week of radiotherapy and all is going well.
Last week I had my appointment with the Encologist and at the weekend I started to take the hormone replacement tablets Tamoxifen..
Ive read so many things on the drug and read alot of people's post's about how severe the side affects can be....
I think I am more scared of taking these then anything else that has come my way in the past 8 weeks....
Does anyone have any advice or has anyone been lucky enough not have any of the side affects...

Be good to hear from anyone...

Fluffy... Image removed.



commented by Mimiraffo
02 May 2012

02 May 2012 13:45

Hi Fluffy,

I started taking Tamoxifen Feb 17th. I too was afraid reading all about the side effects. So far so good, no side effects. The reality of it is Fluffy is we are not in control of this and by taking Tamoxifen it will hopefully prevent re occurrence. I have learned to very much live in the day, we are not running the show!

Blessings and hugs


commented by fluffy
02 May 2012

02 May 2012 19:25

Hi Maria,

Thanks for your kind words and support....
Early days, so, one day at a time and see how we go...

Big hugs back...

fluffy x

commented by lemrac
03 May 2012

03 May 2012 23:27

Hi Fluffy,

Was on Tamoxifan for 5 years and had NO side effects. Sometimes its best not to even read what they might be as our minds can trick us as we all know.

Good luck with the treatment.

commented by fluffy
04 May 2012

04 May 2012 15:43

Thanks for the feedback.....
And I think your right, its best not to think about or read about the side affects too much as your mind oes play tricks on you....
Many thanks

fluffy... x

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