Breast cancer
posted by wilmaone
10 July 2012

Advice for after reconstruction

Last reply: 17 July 2012 07:30

Hi all

Am 10 weeks out from mastectomy and diep flap reconstruction.Although i am happy with result and lucky it worked im now wondering whether or not to finish it off!!!!Im back with PS soon and have been told that the good breast will need a lift which can be done at same time as nipple reconstruction along with a few other tweeks!!!
Anyone else have good breast lifted and if so did it make much difference?Am very hesitant about messing with the good one.I am truley tired of having to make choices.
Also one other question anyone have any hastle with ovarian cysts while on tamoxifen?started 6 weeks ago and so far have been doubled over twice 3 weeks apart.Have ultrasound on fri morn.

Grateful for any advice




commented by LindyLu
11 July 2012

11 July 2012 00:06

Hi there,

Can't help with the cysts question but can tell you that I am waiting to get good boob lifted!

Had recon Aug 2010 having had mast in feb 2009. Had lat dorsi with an implant. New foob (pam!) is fab and pert next to droopy Dora. I spent nearly a year weighing up pros and cons of lift on good boob. I originally decided not to as I was so sick of hospitals etc but eventually came around to the idea that a lift would be nice.

I am on the wait list since last nov for op in Beaumont. Technically it is non urgent so I am not jumping up and down. Am also nippleless until I get lift done. Few people would be able to tell that own boob is lower and slightly larger than new foob but I can and it is for that reason I decided to do.

You dont have to rush making this decision unless you want to. If you are not sure than don't let anyone pressure you to decide.

Good luck


commented by hugs
11 July 2012

11 July 2012 00:11

I am just amazed you've had recon so quick. Its been two years since my mastectomy, I only had an appointment with the plastic surgeon yesterday!

I'm going to be having the diep, and I asked if I could get the good side lifted aswell, I'm going the whole way!

commented by wilmaone
12 July 2012

12 July 2012 22:20

Hi ladies
Thanks for replies.Gosh i really feel guilty for even posting,sounds as though im lucky(oh how i hate that word!!!)to have had reconstruction already!!!!

Not going to rush anything till im sure.Funny every time i think im starting to feel better and stronger i seem to taks a step back.Had herceptin today after hunt the vein game,and have been floored on couch all day!!!!First time i felt crap after it.

Anyway hope your appointments come round soon ladies im in awe of ye.


commented by hugs
17 July 2012

17 July 2012 07:30

Don't be silly, there's no need to be feeling guilty. There's nothing lucky about having to go through

There is no rush though, so yes, take your time.

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