Breast cancer
posted by Dane7
01 July 2012

Arm Pain

Last reply: 10 July 2012 23:00

Hi all

Have had 4 chemos no surgery yet and today have a very painful, red and swollen arm anything to be worried about? Or is this just part and parcel of chemo? Anyone had this before?



commented by Irish Cancer Society
02 July 2012

02 July 2012 16:28

Dear Dane7,

I am sorry to read that your arm is sore and swollen. We would advise you to show it to your Breast Care Nurse or the Oncology nurses caring for you. You may have an infection and, if so, it would be important to treat this with antibiotics.

You may also phone a spcialist cancer surse nurse here on our National Cancer Helpline service at 1800 200 700 (Mon-Thurs, 9-7 and Fridau9-5)

Kind regards,
Cancer Information Service Nurse

commented by Dane7
02 July 2012

02 July 2012 18:10

Thank you. Rang the chemo unit and went to GP. Vein infection so on antibiotics now.

commented by wilmaone
02 July 2012

02 July 2012 21:33

Hi Dane

If still sore in day or two ring day go into day ward they may give you iv dose.Had vein infection in hand on 2nd last treatment very sore and gp dose wasnt strong enough.


commented by Dane7
03 July 2012

03 July 2012 11:23

Thanks Wilmaone. Have appointments in Vincents tomorrow so will pop into unit for a check. It is still mega sore all along my arm.

commented by Dane7
10 July 2012

10 July 2012 13:33

Just to say fellow chemo people don't ignore this symptom. Just spent the last 5 days in hospital having been admitted with Celluitis (inflamantion of vein used for chemo). Mega sore and one hell of an infection. Have a further 10 days of antibiotics to go now I am back home to clear it.

Did go to my gp immediately with it but not prescribed a high enough dose of antibiotic nor the right ones to cover a wide spectrum of infection.

Warning to all - if you get it - get yourself to your chemo ward asap. GPs often do not know how to treat chemo patients. Too dangerous to leave it! Had I left it for any bit longer .... I wouldn't be writing this now!

Dane 7.

commented by wilmaone
10 July 2012

10 July 2012 23:00

Im with Dane with this had cellulitis in hand 2nd last treatment and gp dose wasnt strong enough!!!!Thankfully im a wimp and couldnt take the pain or swelling and went into day ward.they gave me iv dose and upped the tablets for home.Dane hats off to you for lasting with that pain your a stronger girl than me.So gald your ok.

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