Breast cancer
posted by NAS27
29 May 2013


Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

OK so had my genes test results today ....I have the BRCA2 gene .A very strange feeling after all that has gone this and last year .
I feel glad that I got the test as I was borderline whether they were going to give it to me ....My Mum had bilateral breast cancer in her 50's and 60's she is in her 70's now and doing well.Also I have 4 sisters and alot of extended family so its very important that they get tested now.

So now to take in all this information and decide what to do .....Just finished radiotherapy 3 weeks ago so need a bit of time to gather myself together .
feeling a bit numb at moment .



commented by LindyLu
29 May 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Nas27,

Sorry to read you tested positive but please remember that with this knowledge you have the power which is a choice to make some decisions.

In hope you cannot be but inspired by the likes of angelina jolie and some of her recent surgical decisions she chose related to her BrCa status.

I sometimes visit a US website called young survival coalition. Am pretty sure there is a genetics thread on it. Also i have seen references to a website called FORCE tho I must confess I don't know what it stands for.


Good luck

commented by LindyLu
29 May 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

This is the force weblink - facing our risk of cancer.


commented by Ania
29 May 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Nas27, I am waiting for my genetic results, had the test done in April. My mother also had bi lateral breast cancer, as do I. So I'm am almost certain mine will come back positive. Obviously its too late for me so I am nervous for my other family members, it won't be an easy thing to tell them.

commented by Taurustwin
13 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all Image removed. I've an appointment for the Cancer Gene Clinic next February. Can ye tell me what to expect??? My Mum and aunt both had breast cancer and I was premenopausal so I'm pretty sure I have the gene. Not worried about a positive result but I have 4 sisters, one being my identical twin, so I need to get this done and find out....

commented by Ania
14 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Got my results back last week. No mutations for BRAC1 or BRAC2. I was shocked. My mother had bilateral breast cancer starting when she was 34, now I have bilateral breast cancer in my late 20's and apparently it's all by chance.

It may seem strange but I was looking at this test as the reason why I had cancer, you know, it was genetic, nothing you could have done. Now I feel like my cancer is my fault. But I am delighted for other members of my family who ont have to worry as much about it now.

The test is just a bloods test and you want 3months for results. More waiting games!

commented by Anncorr1981
17 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Ania
It's a good thing it's not genetic. But I totally understand you're feeling. But my doctor always said no matter what the cause it was never you're fault. I had the blood test on Thursday for the genetic testing. My mother has ovarian cancer, I was 30 at diagnosis and tumour was triple negative. So I fit the category. Not sure how I will feel if the result is positive. I'm scared after all the info I got on Thursday. But for now I will concentrate on getting my life back to as normal as possible.

Take care

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