Breast cancer
posted by wilmaone
11 May 2013

breast lift to good breast

Last reply: 13 May 2013 22:07

Hi all
Has anyone had their good breast lifted after recon to match up with new one?Am going in on 21st to have this done aswell as fat filler to new one.Just wondering what to expect with lift as am hoping to do mini marathon 11 days later(had signed up before date came in).
Any info appreciated thanks.




commented by LindyLu
11 May 2013

11 May 2013 23:34

Hi wilmaone,

I had l lift last Dec, just before Xmas. Just spent one night in hospital but was fine the next day. I did take it easy over the Xmas holidays plus hubby was about to help with kiddies. Am not sure I could have run the mini marathon after it tho but if you have been training it might be ok. However you might want to check with plastics team about the bobbing up and down element. I had to wear a surgical bra for 2 weeks post surgery 24 hours a day to keep everything in place.

Am delighted with results. Even though they only removed a small bit from my own boob, I can see I am much more even and symmetrical. I just have to keep working on tummy to get that six pack look Image removed. (I wish!)

commented by wilmaone
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 22:07

Thanks lindy lu for reply.
Have to say am a bit nervous about it but know I also want it done.
Won't be running just walking marathon hopefully.will go by what plastics tell me although will feel bad if I can't as I signed up to do it for breast cancer research and have gotten lots of sponsorship!!!heres hoping.
I'm delighted to hear yours went well and you are happy with it.

Xx w

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