Breast cancer
posted by Linda
17 November 2008

DCIS in 06 and cancer now in my lymph nodes anyone else?

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22

My name is Linda and I am 34, in 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. I have recently discovered a lump in my armpit on the same side which has been diagnosed as malignant. The plan is for an auxilliary node clearance and mastectomy this week followed by more chemo. Still waiting for MRI results to check I don't need a double mastectomy.

I am just wondering if anyone else has had to go through this experience after thinking they were in the clear? Especially anyone around my age - I thought early menopause was bad enough!! Also I am planning on persuading the plastic surgeon to go for silicone reconstruction - the other options just sound too traumatic!

I'd love to hear from someone who is out the other side of this. I know this sounds mad but a part of me missed all the support during my previous treatment and I can't help but feel that part of me wished this on myself again - am I going mad??




commented by Irish Cancer Society
01 December 2008

12 October 2015 11:22

Dear Linda

Sorry to hear about the recurrence of your breast cancer. Please remember that Action Breast Cancer has a freefone helpline staffed by specialist breast cancer nurses, 1800 30 90 40. We also have a support group called Reach to Recovery, where we can put you in touch with one of our trained volunteers who have had breast cancer. Or else we also provide a counseling service. All our service are free of charge and completely confidential, and can be contacted from our helpline (1800 30 90 40).

Best wishes

Action Breast Cancer

commented by happy
12 December 2008

12 October 2015 11:22

Hi Linda,

Sorry to hear about your current diagnosis.

Thought I could give you some advise regarding reconstructions. I had a ld flap reconstruction where they use a muscle from the back to build the breast. It had worked out pretty well. The scar on my back is hardly noticeable. The surgeon ensured that it was placed where my bra strap would cover it.

Please feel free to ask me any questions regarding it. Take care.

commented by Linda
15 December 2008

12 October 2015 11:22

Thanks so much happy

It is now 3 weeks after my surgery - I had the flap from my back too. I am really pleased with the results - even got a lift on the other side to match properly and as a Christmas present to myself !!

I am working hard at my exercises, I love my horse riding and will be devastated if I dont get 100% movement back eventually - well soon if I am honest!

Chemo starts on Thursday for 3 months, I am delighted as I thought it would be for 6. Hair will go again but I am not worried about that at all, I am going to shave it again. Sounds weird I am sure but I found it great last time as I was deciding when I went bald and not the drugs.

Will keep you posted, thanks for all the support.


commented by happy
18 December 2008

12 October 2015 11:22

Hi Linda,

That is great to hear. Glad the results are so good. it's a year and a half since my reconstruction and my arm movement is perfect. Hope it will be the same for you too.

Great about the head-shaving. I did this too. I really loved wearing the wigs. Had a few different ones.

What chemo will you be having? Hope the first one went well today.

Take care.

commented by Linda
20 December 2008

12 October 2015 11:22


I started on Taxotere on Thursday and so far so good, no nausea at all which is great, just back pain which Difene is taking care of and SO tired which surprised me it kicked in so quickly but I can certainly live with it!

I was delighted to hear that your arm and shoulder are better after a year and a half, I skived off physio on Thurs & Fri, just didn't feel up to it and am a bit stiff today, will start exercises once Difene and hot shower have both kicked in!

Did you have Taxotere and how long did it take for your hair to fall out if you did? On AC last time it was due to fall out on day 16 but came out in chunks on day 10. The leaflets say 3-4 weeks but I don't want to wait for the yucky nits feeling and have a friend helping me shave it on Monday which is day 6 - what do you think? Given Xmas hols etc I mightn't get another chance to have a help shaving it till new year and apparently last time I made a mess of shaving it and she had to finish it off for me - yes I know how do you mess up shaving but I did !!!

Love to hear back soon



commented by happy
13 January 2009

12 October 2015 11:22

Hi Linda, how are you getting on now? Sorry, I haven't logged in here since before xmas. Hope you are doing ok. How is the head? Did you shave it all off? Hope you had a good Christmas. x

commented by susie
13 January 2009

12 October 2015 11:22

Hi Linda hope that you are doing well xx

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