Breast cancer
posted by shinners
06 October 2011

DIEP Reconstruction

Last reply: 08 October 2011 15:50

HI Guys
Just wondering if anyone out there who has had the DIEP reconstruction feels like the new boob is very heavy and almost like wearing an iron bra all day. I am 9 weeks over the op and would have thought that it would have softened by now but it still feels like a load of playdough stuck to my chest and its not a very pleasant feeling. Was back with PS and BS and both say it feels perfectly normal and the swelling will go down. Anyone got any idea when???? Its starting to really get me down as I am battling cording in my armpit/chest/arm as well and this is not helping.
Sinéad Image removed. x



commented by FH2
06 October 2011

06 October 2011 12:51

Hi Sinead,

Sorry to hear your new boob is not feeling good. I would also have thought that, at 9 wks out, it would be fairly sort and natural feeling. While it might feel like having playdough because it will have no sensation, it should not feel so heavy and tight. Are you overdoing things a little with housework or lifting?

There are a lot more women in the US who have had DIEP recon. If you don't get many responses on here, I would recommend you post your question on the following active forum. You may find someone with a similar experience who could empathise and advise.



commented by berna
06 October 2011

06 October 2011 19:27

hi sinead if you massage your breast two to three times daily with E45 cream your breast will become softer and natural i had the same surgery 15 weeks ago. the doctor gave me this advice. it works.

commented by shinners
06 October 2011

06 October 2011 20:50

Hi Flo and Berna

Thanks for the replies. Flo you are a mind of information and I will defo look up that link. Berna its great to hear from someone who has had the same surgery as me. Would you mind me asking if your new boob " dropped" or swelling went down on it. Mine still appears quite high and swollen( nearly under my armpit) particularly at the side, which is annoying as it keeps rubbing off my arm which is a very stange feeling!! I have been using bio - oil on the scars and e 45 on my arm but I will defo give the massaging e 45 2-3 times a day a go to see if it works.
Thanks for all the great support and advice

Sinéad x

commented by berna
08 October 2011

08 October 2011 15:50

hi sinead i have no swelling under my arm. the breast has not dropped from the time of reconstruction. i think it takes some time for that to happen, i think the massaging will help you alot even under your arm. it will take a little time to see the results. best of luck

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