Breast cancer
posted by Elizabeth4
20 August 2010

even more positive

Last reply: 27 August 2010 16:41

Thanks RoxAnn and Hugs for your replies. and Hugs I hope you are feeling better now. What is next for you? And for you RoxAnn?

I was at the hospital today to meet the Radiotherapist and he was a dote and made me feel better. He was so kind. I also spoke to the Social Worker so she could assess me re counselling and even talking to her made me feel better too.

Today is a good day and I give thanks for it.

Love to all




commented by hugs
20 August 2010

20 August 2010 18:05

Thats great news Elizabeth!

Im doing ok, having my crap days now, but should be ok by monday (if it goes the way it has been

Im half way through chemo, 4 down 4 to go. I feel as if im in a good place. Should be done by november fingers crossed!
I dont have to have radiotherapy, so the step after that will be reconstruction, but i dont see that happening for a year or so, im in no hurry (at the moment anyway)

I still have my eyebrows and eyelashes (will they fall out???) Image removed.

commented by RoxAnn
20 August 2010

20 August 2010 23:20

Thats great Elizabeth - you sound much better. And Hugs, you are almost over the halfway hurdle -
To answer your question Elizabeth - I am two years post diagnosis, I had my mastectomy this time two years ago, chemo from Sept 2008 to Feb 2009 and like hugs, I didn't have to have radiotherapy.
I am just two months after my LD reconstruction and am feeling pretty good thanks be to God. (described it in another thread - recon)
I am on tamoxofin alright and it is driving me nuts - the hots and chills are taking over - I was positive for both hormones so can't take black cohash as some people mentioned............. I am sticking it out !!! Image removed.

Hugs, you are on the chemo countdown and doing well - eek, I had my eyebrows and eyelashes until maybe the third last treatment - I missed the eyelashes alright as bright lights in shops used make my eyes run and I used look like a constant cryer Image removed. The eyebrows went too but I used a pencil every day for them so that was ok.
However, the eyelashes grew back very quickly - the eyebrows are back but never came dark - they are very light coloured eventhough my hair colour came back much darker than it had been before (not a grey in sight either which is fab Image removed. I still use pencil on my eyebrows for definition.

so ladies...... BC does fade into the distant past and life does get back to normal - the only thing I have left to do is lose weight and I intend doing this very soon - I put on two stone during chemo and would like to lose it along with maybe another half stone - I would then be a nice size 12 - will let ye know when it happens !!!

take care and have a nice weekend and claps on the back for doing so well so far Image removed.


commented by Elizabeth4
21 August 2010

21 August 2010 12:41

Hello Hugs and RoxAnn. thanks for your answers. Am having a busy weekend - my grandson's christening tomorrow. Am keeping positive.

Hugs, I didn't lose my eyebrows - they just got thin. Eyelashes nearly all gone - I'm looking forward to them coming back now. My hair is beginning to grow back and it's dark too, like RoxAnn's.

Got to go - visitors arriving soon. Talk next week.


commented by JudiG
26 August 2010

26 August 2010 13:15


My diagnosis time was similar to yours.
I've been on Tamoxifen since Dec08 but as well as the Tamoxifen I also take Effexor (37.5 dose). Started them both at the same time and have had few side effects from the Tamoxifen - periods a bit erratic but at 46 I think that's to be expected.

I started my treatment in the US and it is quite common there to take both Effexor and Tamoxifen. Effexor is used to treat depression, anxiety and panic disorder.... and I think we all get a bit of that with the inital BC diagnosis! The dose advised is the smallest possible.

Initially, I wasn't keen on taking another medication to offset side effects but it works and as these ar the only 2 meds I take, I can live with it for another few years.

commented by FH2
27 August 2010

27 August 2010 16:41

Yes, some antidepressants have been proven to be very good at limiting menopausal side effects. I happened to be on Lexapro before BC and often wonder if this is why my night sweats, etc. are not unbearable.



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