Breast cancer
posted by GlassHalfFull
08 February 2012

Fertility considerations?

Last reply: 09 February 2012 20:33

Hi Girls,

Sarah here from Cork. I'm new to this and this is my first post (although I did compose others before this one!!).

I've been very positive and upbeat since my DX on 16th Jan. I've had my surgery etc and all that already. Things are moving very quickly. I had my first meeting with my oncologist yesterday evening. And I'm a little overwhelmed with all the info. I followed and understood everything so that's not my question really.

The subject of fertility came up. And I was told I'd go into an early menopause that I may or may not come back out of. And I'm going to be on Tamoxifen for 5 years too. So I have to decided today if I want to go and see a fertility guy here in Cork for a consultation. And if it's something I want to take further they'll send me to London or Belgium.

It's all a lot to take in and think about. I'm 36 (37 in April) and very very single!!! And I can't see that changing in the near future. So I'm not sure the kids thing was on the menu for me anyway. But this is very much closing that door for good.

I'm just wondering if anyone else had to make these sorts of decisions and how you handled it all. I'm facing into so much as it is. 6 sessions of chemo, a year of herceptin, a lengthy spell of RT and tamoxifen.... Definitely overwhelmed today.

Oh and where did people go for their wig??? I have all that to sort too. So much to do...

Sarah XXX



commented by LindyLu
08 February 2012

08 February 2012 21:40

Hi Sarah,

Sorry you have to join this club.

I don't have any advice for you as I was luckily to have squeezed two children in before my diagnosis three years ago.

You definately have lots to take in at the moment. It does get easier once you have a treatment plan in place.

Re the fertility stuff, it is hard to predict what the future may hold but if you thought that some day you would have a child then go see the fertility guy and see what is involved. It is probably egg retrieval and storage. Suggest you also check out a US site, young survival coalition, it is for young women with BC. They have a discussion board with section with a specific fertility topic. I used this site LOADS during my treatment and found it brilliant. Breast Cancer Org is another good site, they probably have a fertility section too

Good luck with it all, ask any questions you need to.


commented by GlassHalfFull
09 February 2012

09 February 2012 20:14

Hiya Lindylu,

Thanks so much for replying to me. I thought about it and weighed up all the pros and cons and decided to just go ahead with treatment and take my chances. If I was in a committed relationship I'd have thought otherwise but I think this was the right option for me. Tough - definitely tough. But all will be well.

I have my treatment plan now so I have that to focus on. It's going to be like having a new full-time job for a year. And I'll definitely take you up on that offer of questions I'm sure over the course of it all.

Hope you're well today.

Best wishes,
Sarah. XXX

commented by kazoo
09 February 2012

09 February 2012 20:33

Hello sarah
Sorry to hear your news but you sound as if you have a very positive attitude and believe me that helps a lot. I am a year past iniitial diagnosis, had chemo, masectomy and now on tamoxifen for five years and just about to have 5 weeks of radiotherapy. I have kids, so cannot advise much on that but like LindyLu says, the websites offer great advice. is another good site.
Regarding wigs, i am also in Cork and I went to the Wig Clinic in Mallow, they also have a branch in Cork city near the CUH, she'll cut your hair short for you first which helps you get used to it. I found them so, so nice, they couldn't do enough for me. The wig cost about 500 but you can claim most of the cost back if you have a medical card (and even if you're working, apply for one, I did and got it despite being over earnings threshold).
If you're on Facebook, have a look at thegirlsclubcork. It's a drop in centre in the city, focusing on the fun and social side of things.
Best of luck with things, if I can be of any further help don't hesitate to get in touch. xx

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