Breast cancer
posted by happymum
28 April 2014

finishing radiotherapy

Last reply: 05 May 2014 22:50

Hello Ladies,

Haven't been on for a while, life has been very busy here. I will finish radiotherapy on Thursday.Hard to believe the 30 went so fast , on my 3rd booster tomorrow.My sister in law passed away almost 2 weeks ago, she had been suffering from a brain tumour aged 42.All of a sudden everything is coming to an end , my treatment , the constant demands on all the family that go with having a terminally ill relative.Our whole lives have revolved around helping, minding and organising everything for her and her children for the last 6 months.It is very strange trying to adjust to this new life again, time is more our own again to a point. My final day of rads coincides with my next appointment with medical oncologist who I have not met since I was referred to Radiotherapy.The delightful Tamoxifen awaits me now.Hopefully that will go well, My "sunbed sessions" went quite well no major issues with it apart from tight armpit and sore side of breast.Tiredness wasn't bad either apart from last week but I think that was part combination of funeral and sunbeds.I must make a list of questions to ask on Thursday, but reading through your posts herre I think ye have covered most of them for me.Haven't gone back to work yet and to be honest it was great to be away from there while all going on with my sister in law.Sorry ladies have gone on a bit here.Hope everyone is doing ok . Image removed.



commented by WicklowLady
29 April 2014

29 April 2014 13:29

Very sorry to hear about your loss but happy for you that you've nearly finished. Another milestone. Well done to you xxx

commented by lala
30 April 2014

30 April 2014 11:38

Hi happymum, glad to hear youre doing well. I finished my Herceptin last may and didnt do radiotherapy at all. I know well what youre going through, my dear sister passed away last September having suffered a brain tumour also.
best wishes for you going forward.

commented by Mel1
02 May 2014

02 May 2014 09:41

Hi happymun,

I'm delighted to hear you have finished your radiation treatments but very sorry sorry to hear about the passing of your sister in law. You and your family have had a lot to deal with. Take care of yourself..

commented by happymum
05 May 2014

05 May 2014 22:50

Thanks ladies for your replys, much appreciated.Well finally finished "sunbeds" on Thursday.Yipee Image removed. .Then had appt with Oncologist, got my script for Tamoxifen and then they told me I am starting Zoladex injections as well.Have to be honest ladies that just floored me for some reason.I had mentioned this before to them and they said I wouldn't be having them but now I am. It took the whole joy out of completing the rads!My libido will definitely be in my boots now.This Cancer crap takes over everything .Night Ladies.

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