Breast cancer
posted by Josephine
18 July 2012

First chemo-nausea-ideas?

Last reply: 22 July 2012 22:47

So I had the first AC chemo today. Very stressed going in. I tried drinking loads of water but I was in such a knot that I must have shrivelled my veins cos couldn't get one! Had to go for crook of my arm which is apparently not best choice. It all went fine but have been feeling a lot of nausea since I got home. Took the tablets but still feel seasick. Ate crackers but still feel same. Any ideas?



commented by LindyLu
18 July 2012

18 July 2012 22:37

One down! Well done...only 3 to go.

What anti nausea are you on??? Emend plus steroids plus motillium? This is what I had first time around and I spent 3 days in bed. Found out that was the basic cocktail but the medics could add MORE so I got a script for zofran for subsequent poisons and it worked a treat. Still felt I had a hangover tummy BUT I was able to eat and function.

If you are still feeling crap tomorrow call the day ward and ask them to fax a script for something else to your pharmacy ( get fax no in advance).

Remember that if you are feeling awful, medics just have not found right cocktail.

Keep sipping fluids, water, juice whatever you can manage as this helps too. If you have motillium take it every few hours as per script thereby staying ahead of nausea if you follow.


commented by Josephine
18 July 2012

18 July 2012 23:10

Thanks lindylou
Yes exact same package. Only the motilium to get me through till emend etc in morn. I am feeling worse as night going on. Rang the night number and she said take the zoton now and motilium in a half hour. I will def look for something in morn, this is the pits! Image removed.

commented by Josephine
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 03:42

So here I am at 3.30am still cracking up. The next motilium worked a bit and I got a small bit of sleep. Now I've given up on the bed and am sitting downstairs, think upright seems a bit better than lying down. Can't wait for morning so I can get a prescription for something else. This from the person who would not even regularly take a paracetamol. Now it's bring on the drugs! What about sleeping tablets? I am worried about adding to the mixture. Does anyone think it would help? It would be great to sleep through the bad times.
Goodnight all, hope not too many more of you are wandering about at this hour and are having a good nights sleep.

commented by Madge1
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 05:47

Hi Josephine

Hope you managed a little sleep. On chemo days I found the steroids kept me awake for about three nights so I took sleeping tablets to try sleep through the nausea and that did help a bit. Like you I rarely took tablets for anything. By the end of chemo I wouldn't go outside the door without a handbag full of them! Like lindylu says trying to nibble helps I found pineapple and grapes easy to eat seemed to help a bit. Remember you're already a quarter way through now! It's not easy but it's doable and it will be worth it in the end.
Take care of yourself
Madge x

commented by Josephine
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 08:01

Hi Madge1

I did doze a bit with the help of a relaxation CD. I'll go for the sleeping tab tonight though. Just waiting for 8am to ring the day ward. I still have nausea now but at least I can move without wanting to get sick and today's bag of drugs are awaiting Image removed.
Haven't been able to eat anything yet.
I hope when you and L indyLu are both saying I have only 3 left that it means the set of 4xT to follow is easier Image removed.
Thanks for reply. You were awake early yourself.

commented by ceedee
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 15:57

I found myself waking during the night starving and rice crispies with ice cold milk did the job I lived on them for the first few days after chemo each time .
All the Best Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 18:21

Hope you got something else to take to help with the nausea. Remember you don't have to be a martyr, take whatever helps. I am like you, rarely take a paracetemol but was advised to take whatever was needed to help me get thru chemo. Three years later I still rarely take a paracetemol so you won't become a drug addict if you take some anti emetics or sleeping tabs now.


commented by LindyLu
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 18:21

Hope you got something else to take to help with the nausea. Remember you don't have to be a martyr, take whatever helps. I am like you, rarely take a paracetemol but was advised to take whatever was needed to help me get thru chemo. Three years later I still rarely take a paracetemol so you won't become a drug addict if you take some anti emetics or sleeping tabs now.


commented by LindyLu
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 18:24

Forgot to add taxol is WAY easier Image removed.

commented by Josephine
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 19:11

Hi LindyLu
I took everything all day and nothing worked. Eventually off to gp for injection. Feel bit better now. She said I'm dehydrated. Day ward said if cant keep up the liquids its off to a/e tonight Image removed.
Will try my best, anything better than the horror of a/e.

Had the Newlasta too. Awaiting side effects, ha ha, sick of being "positive " and "getting my head in the right place"

Thanks for reply, delighted to hear taxol should be better.


commented by LindyLu
19 July 2012

19 July 2012 20:51

Oh Lordy. Did you get the medics prescribe anything else? Other BC patients had told me about zofran (not zoton which is a type of antacid if I remember right) and I pretty much asked for it as part of cocktail for next poison.

Go to a&e if you need to. You may need iv fluids if you are dehydrated. don't be shy about pushing for things or demanding answers - nearly a year of treatment taught me to not to be coy!

Keep us posted

commented by Josephine
20 July 2012

20 July 2012 03:50

Hi all
Middle of night again but this time it's because I slept till now. Got im
Inj of valoid. It did the trick eventually. Managed to eat a bit and trying hard at the water. I now have valoid orally too. Unfortately I was so zonked I didn't take on time so feel a bit of nausa again now. So managed to stay home in my own bed for now, will ring day ward in am, at least if need seeing, might get in there instead of a/ e.

I have big red face from steroid, hope it goes when finished the tabs.

Night x

commented by Fighter
21 July 2012

21 July 2012 22:49

Oh God, I wish I hadn't read this thread - I'm waiting on Oncotype results to see if I need chemo or not

commented by Josephine
21 July 2012

21 July 2012 23:03

Sorry to frighten you Fighter.
Things have improved. Day ward organised prescription for zofran. Also ativan which knocked me out for the night. Had a much better day today. Had food twice and even took the dog for a walk.

commented by LindyLu
22 July 2012

22 July 2012 22:47

Good to hear things have improved. Zofran worked really well for me and lots of others that recommended it to me so hope it means round2 of AC will be less harsh on you.

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