Breast cancer
posted by Superwhy
30 August 2013

Gettin back to exercise

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

I am 6 weeks post surgery . Before being diagnosed I did kettlebells 3 times a week and circuit training. I really enjoyed both.
Both physotherepist and breast nurse agreed I can't go back go kettlebells .
I feel up to gettin back into some sort of exercise. Now I am to start
Radiotherepy in 3 weeks.

Would I be silly to sign up to a couple of weeks classes to beginners yoga or Pilates with starting radiotherepy soon.



commented by Kathleen
31 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Superwhy,

So good to hear that you feel like getting active again. I started a cardio and gym class a few weeks before starting radiotherapy and I was fine. It really helped me in every possible way, but I was four months after surgery at that point. Yours is more recent.

I would say go ahead but don't overdo it and don't feel obliged to keep up with the rest of the group if some of the movements hurt. Plenty of time to catch up with them after your treatment is over.

I still do the cardio and gym and I exercise with small (2 lb) dumbells a few times a week too. It might be a useful alternative to kettlebells for you.

Good luck!


commented by Superwhy
31 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks kath.

Great to hear u use the dumbbells maybe at some stage I can get back to kettlebells.

I think I will try the beginners yoga next week and try and back runnin ..

commented by Neadi
31 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Radiotherapy nurses told me to exercise as much as I felt I was able! I walked the mini marathon during it!!!!!
However, I remember post surgery all I really was able for gaslight walks and my exercise bike. No pressure on the arm at all!

You'll be surprised at how quickly it comes back to you- but listen to your body!
I just did the great pink run 5k today in 36 mins so feeling pretty chuffed with myself.......

Good luck

commented by Superwhy
31 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Go u... I will join u next year.....
Going to try and get back to a bit of exercise now the kids back to school.


commented by Catherine1964
03 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hello Superwhy,
I never stopped exercising, except for a week after surgery, and that had more to do with the very funky after-effects of general anaestesia than with the surgery itself.
However, I had to adapt my exercise. I am a runner, and running was out for a while, so I power walked (and with the very good summer we've had, it was doable every day without getting wet!!) About 4-5 weeks after surgery, I started running again, no ill effect. Within 3 weeks of that I was back running to full fitness. I normally also go to the gym for cardio week nights (I run mainly at week end, "normally", whatever "normally" is, these days!!!) and do some limited weight training. I tried to reintroduce the latter recently, and had to give it a rest due to unwelcome twinges: my body telling me to lay off.
I think you need to give all the tissues, muscles etc. in your arm/armpit a chance to recover, and I get the impression that this will take a few months rather than just a few weeks (at least in my case!) However, I am happy to be almost back to my normal level (which I must say is probably more intense than most people's).
There is absolutely no doubt that exercise helps both your body and your mind.

Good luck with the RT and be well!


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