Breast cancer
posted by hugs
17 August 2010

Has anyone signed up for the breast cancer seminar in sept?

Last reply: 24 September 2010 11:23

I filled out the form for the seminar in croke park on the 18th of sept. It looks like it might be good.
Its a pity though that you can only pick one seminar for the morning and one for the afternoon. I found it ery hard to

It looks like it could be a great day out!



commented by FH2
17 August 2010

17 August 2010 13:54


I'm probably going to be out of action for a while in September (see other post) so won't be able to make it. But might make the Gary Kelly seminar on the 23rd as its local.....


commented by Elizabeth4
18 August 2010

18 August 2010 11:20

Hello again Hugs. I also will be out of action in September. I hope you enjoy it and I'm sure you will let us know how it went.


commented by JudiG
26 August 2010

26 August 2010 12:18

I registered.

I have just moved back from the US, where I had a mastecomy (R) nearly 2 years ago. I attended 2 of these conferences organsied by the Susan G Komen group and found them very helpful so I'm hoping to get some 'local' info at this one.

So far, I don't know anyone going - but that won't stop me.

commented by hugs
26 August 2010

26 August 2010 12:41

Welcome back judiG.

Im looking forward to the conference, I havent a clue what to expect, but Im sure its going to be intresting!

Im in the middle of chemo at the moment, so Im hoping its on one of my good days Image removed.

commented by Kar
02 September 2010

02 September 2010 22:47


I've signed up. I have my 3rd chemo on 16th but going on the first two doses I expect to be ok and be able to attend.


commented by Evelyn
06 September 2010

06 September 2010 15:44

Hi Hugs
Yes I have also signed up should be a great day.
Evelyn x

commented by Sarah E
15 September 2010

15 September 2010 14:16

Hi, Just wondering if there is anyone on the forum who has attended the Breast Cancer Conference in previous years? Perhaps they could give an idea of what type of information stands etc are usually there and if they found it worthwhile travelling to. Thanks. Sarah Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
15 September 2010

15 September 2010 17:22

Hi Sarah

I attended last year. It was held in March 09 and I had been diagnosed in Dec08. I found it excellent. The talks were inspiring and interesting and informative. The stands were good but I actually did not spend much time at the stands, rather chatting to some wonderful women I had met in what had been my 4 month cancer journey. I also met lots of other ladies who had been or were travelling in same boat.

I would high recommend it. Am going myself. Maybe those of us on this board who are attending should arrange to meet at a particular spot for coffee after lunch. We might have to hold up a badge with our pseudonames!


commented by Sarah E
15 September 2010

15 September 2010 19:05

Hi Lindylu

Many thanks for all the information. It should be a good day. I hope to be there.

I wonder if its ok to bring a family member/friend or if its best for us patients to go alone?

I am keeping well and hope you are too.


commented by LindyLu
15 September 2010

15 September 2010 20:04

Hi again Sarah

Am not sure what the organisers say about bringing family members along who have not registered. I went alone last year however I had pre arranged to meet three lovely ladies there - we had met virtually on the Majic Mum site (for parents and mums to be) so I knew in advance was not going to be there alone so to speak.

It is a brave thing to attend alone but I think you will probably get more out of it as you will have the freedom to talk to others, view the stands, etc without feeling the need to 'look after' your DH, sister, mum etc. Last year every one was really friendly. Goodness knows we have one big thing in common which gives us lots to talk about!

If you like, PM me your mobile no and I will PM you mine. We could meet up by the registration desk or at another vantage point over the morning coffee break.

All the best and look forward to seeing you Sat.


commented by Sarah E
17 September 2010

17 September 2010 10:40

Hi again,
Apologies for the delay in replying.

Thank you very much for the offer to meet up. Unfortunately, it turns out that I will not be able to attend the conference.

Hope the day goes well for you. Sarah

commented by hugs
17 September 2010

17 September 2010 14:34

Lindy, Ive sent you my phone number if you want to meet up.
If anyone else wants to meet up, just pm your number and we can have a coffee.

commented by Sarah E
24 September 2010

24 September 2010 11:23

Hi everyone,
Just wondering how your day at the breast cancer conference went?

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