Breast cancer
posted by WicklowLady
11 November 2012

Help I'm in A&E!!

Last reply: 20 November 2012 23:20

Oh girls just when I thought things were going ok. I have had vomiting and diarrhea since 5am morning, so scary and so sick. I'm due in for 4tg chemo tomorrow don't know if that'll happen now. They think I might have the winter vomiting bug. do you think they'd still do chemo tomorrow? They are going to do my bloods again. Oh I wish I was at home!!!



commented by Neadi
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 19:13

Oh Mary!

I was going to pm you as we hadn't heard from you!! You poor poor thing! Image removed.
I saw the signs around vincents last week when we were up.

I don't know what the protocol is for chemo in these situations, but am hoping that things will be ok for you.

A huge cyber hug

N xx

commented by WicklowLady
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 19:41

Oh thanks so much I feel crap. I'm wondering would I be safer at home than in here. I thought long and hard but the fact I'm supposed to get chemo in the morning I felt I was better to come in. Oh I can't wait to finish all this crap. I feel like bawling but I might not stop

commented by Neadi
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 20:18

Hang in there missus!!!

I know it's easy for me to say sat here at home, but they will monitor you, it'll work out ok, and you will finish your chemo!!!

Positive thoughts in a yucky situation. It WILL be ok


commented by Dane7
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 21:40

Hi Mary

You poor thing! Could well be the winter vomiting but but equally could be a chemo side effect. I was hospitalised after no 3 chemo with vomiting and diahorrea.

They will take good care of you and give you plenty of Iv fluids. They may well postpone your Chemo if you are not sting enough for it.

Either way Mary best wishes for a speedy recovery.


commented by Bobbyjo
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 22:04

Hi Wicklow Lady, I understand how you feel! Please feel a hug! Been there done that! I am so lucky to be at home! Let all of us know how you are am! XxxxBobbyjoe

commented by deefed
12 November 2012

12 November 2012 14:12

Big hug thats the pits!!! No doubt they will advise you the best as to whether to have chemo or not - sorry so feel for you its the last thing we want - we are all sick enough without that crap!


commented by Ania
12 November 2012

12 November 2012 18:41

Ah wicklow lady, I really feel for you. I was in A&E in July and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!!!! Speedy recovery!!! Xx

commented by WicklowLady
12 November 2012

12 November 2012 19:40

(Couldn't get wifi in hospital) Happy days I'm home. I was very lucky we went in to A&E and within ten minutes the nurse saw me and isolated me in my own room with a bathroom where I stayed last night. They gave me the drip and an anti-sickness injection. I had a lovely sleep as I was exhausted. Had some salad at lunch and a yoghurt before I left. None of the chemo was as bad as what I went through in the early hours of Sunday morning, horrendous. We were out with friends on Friday night and five out of the six of us got it. It's just one of those things, my husband could bring it home from work.

My chemo as been postponed until next Monday. Not the end of the world I know just would liked to have notched off number 4.

You're all so good I've got a new bunch of friends here and it's great support and you all know the ropes so to speak. I was really on two minds yesterday as to whether I would go to A&E as I thought it would be risky but I made the right decision .

Felt really bad as day care oncology in the private hospital were ringing wondering where I was this morning, they never got a chance to ring over to tell them. There was no beds in the private hospital yesterday so they advised me to go to A&E. my temperature just went above the 38degrees so I know I did the right thing but its hard when you're put in that position.

Thanks again for being so kind, it's onwards and upwards now. A week in the great scheme of things is not worth worrying about.

commented by Dane7
12 November 2012

12 November 2012 19:43

Great to hear you are feeling a bit better and are home. Rest up and with plenty of TLC you will be right as rain and ready for next chemo on Monday.


commented by Neadi
12 November 2012

12 November 2012 22:55

Glad you got home!! Get a good rest!!! You'll be up and at it in no time!!!


commented by deefed
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 12:55

So glad you are home Mary - treat yourself rotten

commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 14:19

Thanks everyone today I really feel better. Just had some homemade veg soup. Feel my appetite coming back, still a bit weak though. Quick question, do you think, to get back to my original three week chemo would you think they'd let me have chemo two weeks after Monday? Anyway sure all I can do is ask.

Loving all your support


commented by encee
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 18:36

Hi Mary
Delighted you are feeling better - even your post is chirpy!
If I'm correctly reading your post, you are asking if they are going to keep to your original chemotherapy dates?
As far as I am aware, they may not be able to bring forward chemotherapy "perscription" to a shorter interval between treatments dates due to the toxicity of some chemotherapy drugs, but they can extended them by a few days alright.
But then again, I find so many things are changing in the wonderful world of treatment, that maybe what ever chemotherapy you are on may allow it.

Hope you continue to feel better x

commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 18:58

I'm just grasping at straws wishing it to be over quickly. Ill ask see what she says. Anything to get this chemo out of the way I hate it. Feel my body is being taken over. I know it will be over just wish it was.

commented by shirls
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 19:33

Hi Wicklowlady,
Hope you're feeling much better after your horrible weekend. I like you had TCH chemo. I may have a bit of bad news for your regarding the scheduling of your future chemo. I too was hospitalised after my 1st session so my 2nd session was delayed by a week. I ran into problems also with low blood counts after the 4th session causing another delay. So overall I finished two weeks later than originally thought. As far as I know they won't decrease the time in between sessions if you get delayed. You were saying you are due your 6th on Xmas Eve, so that could now be New Years Eve??? My treatment was in Waterford Regional, maybe Vincents are different.
This would mean you could enjoy Christmas, as it would be your "good week" Image removed.
Enjoy your extra week off (bet it feels good)

commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 19:46

Yes I'm feeling better but funny enough I'm having phantom chemo feelings! I feel like I got it, weird or what? Oh I'm not pinning my hopes on getting it two weeks on Monday just going to ask but I know I'll probably be a week later. At this stage it's number 4 on Monday and my bloods were fine on Friday and funnily enough were fine in the hospital, o problem with white blood cell count. Shirks did you give yourself the neulasta injection? I'm kind of thinking ill only have two after Monday so fingers crossed. Yes Christmas will be good but to e honest I didn't care as I just wanted to say goodbye to chemo. All going well I still will be finished before 2013

commented by WicklowLady
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 09:45

Well girls had my chemo yesterday than God. Got home around 5pm and these severe cramps started. I wanted to die. I prayed to God to give me the diarrhoea as I knew if anything would ease it that would . Eventually after 20minutes if agony I got slight diarrhoea and the cramps eased. I rang the hospital and the brought me in and put me on the drip. My stomach is in shreds but I'm a lot better. I'm beginning to think it might have been the chicken salad sandwich or the yoghurt I ate but then you get paranoid about what you eat. Oh hopefully this my end of a bad run. I've only two chemos left which I ave to cling on to and endure this one.

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxxxx


commented by Dane7
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 17:12

Ah Mary poor you - hope it subsides and you are back home feeling better soon. As you say only 2 left! Fingers crossed plain sailing from now on.

commented by Josephine
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 21:03

Hi Mary
So sorry to hear you are having such a tough time again. At least everyone is on hand in the hospital to look after you instead of you trying to cope and worrying at home. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Jo xx

commented by shirls
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 23:02

Hi Wicklow Lady,
Hope you're feeling better tonight.
Keep positive, only 2 left. Just remember they won't add anymore to it. I know it's hard to feel positive when you feel so sick, but YOU WILL get through this.



commented by WicklowLady
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 23:06

Thanks everyone. I am having scans next time and I was worried that if it hadn't shrank adequately thy might give me 8 altogether , now they never said that thats my imagination running away with itself. Can't wait till it's over

commented by shirls
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 23:14

Hi Wicklowlady,
It's hard not to lett your imagination run a bit wild. It's only natural with what you have been through over the last few months.
It's funny I wished for so long that chemo would be over and now that it is I'm wishing that radiotherapy would be over and it hasn't even started yet !!

commented by WicklowLady
20 November 2012

20 November 2012 23:20

Oh I know we just want to get back to normality I suppose. I don't think anything could be as bad and head wrecking as chemo. Ill take on anything after this is finished.

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