Breast cancer
posted by SK40
24 October 2013

How long to wait for mammagram results

Last reply: 05 November 2013 12:12

I had a mammagram just a week ago in Beaumont but I have no results yet and I still have pain in left breast. Does anyone out there know when I will get results?



commented by WicklowLady
24 October 2013

24 October 2013 16:02

Mine were immediate in Vincent's. Think if there was anything wrong they'd have been in touch

commented by deefed
02 November 2013

02 November 2013 10:49


I would ring them up and ask them, tell them you would like to know the results of your mammogram.

I hate this thing some hospitals do they don't contact you if everything is ok....... its ridiculous if you get a test you should get a result.

Or maybe if you went through a GP ask your GP to get them for you.

Best of Luck

I am in for one on Wednesday

commented by SK40
05 November 2013

05 November 2013 12:12

I rang my Doctor and she rang through to Beaumont to be told that no results were given out and that I have to meet with the Consultant Surgeon on the 15th of this month so I am waiting for this appointment. Still pain so will be glad to get up there. Everyone says that they would have been in touch if something was wrong but that doesn't ease the worry I have
Good luck with your mammagram. Hope all goes well.

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