Breast cancer
posted by katykaty
23 August 2013

last chemi tomorrow

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

Cant believe I'm going for last chemo tomorrow , fingers crossed that they will do it , playlets low but hopefully they will be back up tomorrow . I have very little to complain about got through it with no Image removed. severe side effects , a few bad days and then just got on with things as normal . Had reaction to the second session so everything has to be slowed down and it takes nearly all day to do , but gave me chance to catch up on all that reading I had wanted to do . For anyone starting out with chemo , the only advice I could give is if you break down your days and weeks after each session into a couple of good days after , then a couple of bad days , then you keep it in your head that these will pass and you will start to feel better .
I felt that by getting out and about , a bit of a walk , some gardening, made me feel so much better and made the symptoms disappear much quicker , I got to Dublin horse show on day six post chemo on my last one and felt good . also have got out on the horse every day for the last fortnight.
Happy days another step in the right direction Image removed.Image removed.



commented by WicklowLady
23 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Well done you have he right attitude? Good for you. You are absolutely right. As my husband used to say its all temporary. Here am I 8 months post chemo so it's a distant memory. Every moment is precious xxxx

commented by Bizzybee
26 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Well done you finishing your chemo - I'm up for no six out of eight this week and cant wait to finish. Changed to taxol last time and found it so much easier to handle - apart from the terrible itching in hands and feet - anybody else get that. I see you managed to get out on your horse, it really does you good doesnt it - clears the head - I kept up the riding during my chemo and managed to get out two or three times on my second week when I wasnt feeling so crap - I swear at times it was him that kept me sane!!!! Anyway Im just wondering are you having a mascetomy - im due one after my chemo and im wondering what is the recovery time or how long it will be before I can ride again. I know thats just a little thing in the bigger scheme of things but like I said before - there are days that going out on him kept me sane, forget all iyour problems for a little while at least!!!!! Best of luck with your recovery from here on in.

commented by katykaty
28 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi bizzybee
I have to agree with you , the only thing that kept me going sometimes was the thought that I would be well enough to get out with horse and the other girls that hack out with me ( it was like mini support group ),.I had lumpectomy followed by mastectomy all within six weeks , I suppose everyone is different with healing but I was back on horse just after six weeks ,could have been earlier but waited the all clear from surgeon. I am quite small and do not carry any weight , so surgery was that bit easier I think ! I followed all the advice that was given and then just listened to my own body. After the chemo I think the operation was the easy bit!Best of luck with op and keep up the horse riding !

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