Breast cancer
posted by LeitrimLady
01 August 2013

Mirena Coil & Tamoxifen

Last reply: 13 August 2013 10:26

Hi - there seems to be a lot of conflicting advice about whether the mirena coil should be removed when taking tamoxifen. I know being PR + is one factor that may be relevant to getting it removed, but some oncologists say the release of progesterone by the Mirena is localised and not relevant. Just wondering for those with the Mirena , what has been advised on this ?
Thanks as always.



commented by elizo
02 August 2013

02 August 2013 12:14

Leitrim lady, the oncologist told me it was fine to leave it as it has such a low dose but when I was with breast care they advised me to get it removed. He said they like to know what is going on with periods. So it seems to be a decision you have to make yourself.

commented by LeitrimLady
07 August 2013

07 August 2013 10:18

Thanks Liz.

commented by Taurustwin
13 August 2013

13 August 2013 10:26

Hi Leitrim Lady! I too was told by both my Oncologist and Breast Surgeon to take out the Mirena. I had it taken out and have been having Zoladex injections 3 monthly to stop my ovaries. I'll be having them until June 2014 and then will have to see if my periods start again or not Image removed.

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