Breast cancer
posted by island
27 January 2009

New to this Site

Last reply: 04 June 2009 21:25

I am starting Chemo next Week. New to all this. Any tips or advice greatly appreciated. What do you do to pass away the time in between sessions ? My chemo is for every 3 weeks for 6 months.



commented by mel
28 January 2009

28 January 2009 20:51

Hi Island

I am also new to this site.I am starting chemo in 3 weeks and I am totally scared about the treatment , well think I am in shock still ..don't knw what to expect ...will try to live life as normal as possible but suppose this is easier said than done ..I will have to wait and see what the chemo thrws at me .I am on a fairly agressive regime as my "friend " needs it
I wish you well you read ?

commented by Irish Cancer Society
02 February 2009

02 February 2009 12:01

Dear Island and Mel

Thank you for your posts.

Being worried about the unknown is totally understandable. Mel's advice to live as normally as possible is good advice. There may be day when you are very tired and need to rest. But if you can remain active and take regular exercise (such as walking) this will help increase your energy levels and help combat the fatigue.
Please call our freefone helpline, 1800 30 90 40, to speak to a breast care nurse for further advice and information Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Information Nurse

commented by SLR
02 February 2009

02 February 2009 22:34

Island and Mel

I finished chemo 3 weeks ago today. Like you I didn't know what to expect. I had 4 sessions every 3 weeks and it actually went a lot quicker than I thought it would.

It wasn't pleasant and I dreaded going in each time but you will get through it. I had about 2/3 days each time when I didn't feel great but it passed and I got stronger each day after that. I was prepared for all the side effects but luckily I didn't have that many. However, everyone is different depending on the type of drugs, age, etc.

Rest when you need to - your body will tell you when you need it. Get out for a walk, eat healthy and look after yourself. Keep busy and try to maintain as "normal" a routine as possible - although I've forgotton what "normal" is. As hard as it might sound try not to let it consume your life. Treat it as something you have to do build into your life rather than letting it rule your life.

You will get through it. Good luck.

commented by RoxAnn
04 June 2009

04 June 2009 21:25

hi Island and Mel,
ye should be finishing chemo soon (or maybe already finished) Hoping it went well for ye - I did my 'stint' from september to february - its tough but its very
'doable' - hoping it went well.


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