Breast cancer
posted by WicklowLady
03 May 2013

Radiotherapy finished. Another milestone

Last reply: 06 May 2013 12:29

Finished my last radiotherapy this morning and I have to say with a little sadness in my heart. It's become part of my life for over six weeks so I will have to get used to no hospitals for three weeks, God what will I do?? Hope I don't have to resort to doing housework perish the though lol.

I'm here sitting in oncology having got my herceptin but my blood pressure is still high and I've been on medication for the past two weeks. I'm waiting to see someone about it.

Going out for a slap up meal and plenty of wine tonight to celebrate . Thanks to you all for your fantastic support its got me through all this so well. Love you all xxxx



commented by yaya
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 16:48

Hi Wicklow Lady,
Well done to you getting through everything you are an inspiration your posts are always so honest and caring.
Best of luck with the next chapters of your life I hope they are filled with nights out, meals and lovely holidays.
Wishing you all the best,
Bernie xx

commented by anriocht
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 17:06

That's great news Wicklow Lady, enjoy your meal tonight.

Hope that blood pressure starts behaving itself soon. (I start my radiotherapy on Tues), but it's great knowing that it will not be half as bad as the chemo, feel the worst of my journey is over now Image removed.

Thank you too for all your continued support, tips and advice, you are always so prompt with your responses. xx

commented by WicklowLady
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 17:20

Thanks girls I waited until 3pm so they were happy to let me continue on that medication but to get my bp checked locally next week and if it was still up I was to ring them. So I called in to our local chemist on the way home to get my bp tablets and he took it twice and it was normal. So I think I'm here for another while lol.

Yes yaya my life will be filled with all those things. Cruise booked for 3rd June so really looking forward to that. Life is sweet.

Best of luck anriocht with the rads. What hospital are you having them in? If they had have said I needed to have it for another few weeks I'd have had no problem with that. That's how much I had got used to it. Isn't it strange? I'm delighted to be a help in some way as everyone was so good to me when I was in the depths of it. Xxx

commented by WicklowLady
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 17:23

Oh and anriocht stock up on the aloe Vera gel it's fantastic and you can put it in the fridge, so soothing as I got a bit itchy. Antihistamine sorted that too. I got a heat rash from the E45 would you believe? So I ay put the two bottles up on eBay lol

commented by Neadi
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 18:10

Well done Mary!! Fantastic to see you out the other side!!

Will be starting rads on may 20th so will be looking for tips...

Congrats and enjoy normality again


commented by WicklowLady
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 18:16

You will love the girls in rads Neadie they are angels. Just mention my name Mary Molloy and you will get 'special attention' lol. Ask me anything. I found aloe Vera gel fantastic. I'm so going to miss it next week how sad am I? I need to get a life lol

commented by wilmaone
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 18:22

Congratulations Mary

Fantastic you are finished.enjoy getting back to normal and your cruise.time to celebrate that birthday you missed!!


commented by anriocht
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 18:29

Oh Wicklow Lady, cruise booked for 3rd June, that's fantastic.

And great to hear BP has returned to normal Image removed.

Once again, thanks for tips on aloe vera and antihistamine. I have been using the E45 since my mastectomy in December. I have been massaging the scar with it and so far so good, no problems with it. But I will look into the aloe vera as well, particularly if one can use it straight from the fridge, that has to be soothing.

commented by anriocht
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 18:33

Having my radiotherapy at Hermitage Medical Centre in Lucan also. Had my chemo there as well.

It is literally 10 mins from me, so will be in and out every morning while my four year old is at playschool.

Met with the radiologists last week and they were really nice.

commented by WicklowLady
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 18:35

You'll be ok with the E45 just I had never used it and I got a lumpy rash away from where they were treating. Oh that's great it's so near to you as it only takes a few minutes. Yes the gel is lovely out of the fridge, so soothing. I have to invest in a one shoulder dress as I've a lovely brown tanned boob and a white one lol!!!

commented by sunshine71
04 May 2013

04 May 2013 11:44

[color=#800080:rkea5x54]Congrats on finishing Image removed. Looking forward to finishing myself on Wednesday.

Have to say I found it a lot easier than chemo. No sickness etc. I used e45 cream during the day (cream not lotion) and used the purer emulsfying ointment at night before I went to bed. I brought the e45 with me when having radiation and found putting it on straight away after rads helped keep skin supple. I also didn't know about 'exit burns' and had one on my back....just a red area but not as red as front/neck areas.

A little thing that helped me through was to change my makeup to one that matched my 'paler' skin perfectly so I could wear makeup on my face without having to rub into my neck area. (didn't put any creams/makeup etc. on neck as having radiation on that area too). Being able to wear makeup cheered me up.[/color:rkea5x54]

commented by deefed
04 May 2013

04 May 2013 20:47

Well done Woman - was great to meet you xx

commented by encee
06 May 2013

06 May 2013 12:29

So happy for you Mary, hoping that life will treat you well after all this - enjoy the cruise and raise a glass to yourself in celebration!

Take care xxx

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