Breast cancer
posted by katykaty
11 November 2013


Last reply: 12 November 2013 09:42

Had my six month check up with surgeon today , was not my own surgeon, he was happy that everything was ok . I really did not get a chance to ask about reconstruction. My own surgeon did not recommend it when I had my mastectomy because I was having radiotherapy , told me best to wait . Finished radiotherapy last week and still doing herceptin . I was just wondering is it up to me to bring up the subject of reconstruction or do you automatically go on list ? What length of time is usually left between radiotherapy and reconstruction?
Another question how soon after chemo and radiotherapy should you be called back for mammogram? I did not see my oncologist during chemo so not sure what happens next ! Got through everything without to many probs so I am thankful for that but some times I think by been to quite I don't ask enough questions and am some times just rushed through appointments.



commented by youngk
11 November 2013

11 November 2013 22:23

Hi Katykaty,

I would recommend you try to get an appointment in your surgeons reconstruction clinic ASAP. It is unlikely you will be on the list until you do, and depending on the reconstruction you want waiting lists can be a year or more! If you are not sure who to ask call your breast care nurse, she should be able to get you an appointment in the right clinic.
Mammogram usually happens annually, I had to ask for an appointment as I was not offered automatically.


commented by deefed
12 November 2013

12 November 2013 09:42

Hi Katy..... yes defo ring them up and say you want to meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss your option. This should really have been discussed with you at this stage. The first stop is the Breast Care nurses and they should organise it for you. I finished Rads in August, have an expander in since Masctemoy in April and am due my reconstruction implant and reduction of Floppy Fiona next month Image removed.

Don't hestitate you have to shout to be heard and its your right to have a reconstruction.

Good Luck

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