Breast cancer
posted by Bizzybee
21 September 2014

reconstruction advice

Last reply: 17 October 2014 15:37

Hi all

I havent posted anything in a while - im a year post chemo and mastectomy and life is good at the moment. Now Im starting to think about reconstruction - i do want it done but really dont want to go back to sick mode again and recovery. I am thinking the LD flap is the best option for me as i have had radiotherapy and am afraid the implant wont work. Does anybody who has had this done have any advise. The thing that is putting me off is that its not just one procedure I will have to go back later for a reduction on the other side. So what im wondering is will i be going around for a while with two misshaped boobs - do they give you fillets or whatever to wear in your bra so you look normal. Also has anybody had an implant after radiotherapy and was it successful.

Thanks everybody



commented by Thunderbolt
21 September 2014

21 September 2014 23:21

Hi Bizzybee,

I have had immediate reconstruction with strattice and implant followed by radiation. I didn't realise at the time I would need radiation, but the results of my mastectomy meant the doctors felt I should have it.
Unfortunately (but not unexpectedly!) my implant isn't working out very well at the moment. I have capsular contracture and lots of little lumps protruding through my skin. V. Uncomfortable! I am hopefully going back for a different reconstruction soon and I hope to have tissue taken from my thigh.
If you do have the LD flap you may also need to have an implant to give volume as the LD muscle is not that big. After my implant surgery I was left with one boob bigger than the other. They are smallish so I get away with it and don't need any thing in my bra, but they did say at the time in the hospital that they would give me something to stick in to even me up if I felt I needed it.
Best of luck with it all.

commented by Bizzybee
22 September 2014

22 September 2014 21:45

Thanks for your reply. There's no easy way around this - just wish there was a quick fix - implant wld have been my first choice but unfortunately it's not for me. A lot to think about and research - just may bite the bullet and go for it - hate the thoughts of hospitals and patient mode again - I wouldn't get it done at all only I can't bear the thoughts of never havin a sun holiday by the pool again

commented by encee
01 October 2014

01 October 2014 00:02

Hi Bizzybee

I'm like the previous post; had immediate reconstruction with LD flap and implant. Also had capsular contraction so had second surgery to remedy it. It has worked out fine and you'd never notice the difference in my breasts under a top unless you were really looking. If I'm feeling particularly vain or have a very enhancing top on, I put in a top-up prosthesis which I don't even know I have in.

One big piece of advice I would give everyone is keep up with the physio exercises - I really feel it when I don't, and I think that I'm much more stiff and muscles feel weird as I didn't keep them up like I should have. Having said that, it's not affecting my mobility really, but I do feel that it impacts on doing certain tasks and lifting stuff, but nothing I can't work around.

If there is anything specific you want to know, just give me a shout.

Best of luck with whatever you decide x

commented by Anng1
09 October 2014

09 October 2014 14:55

Hi Bizzybee
I've just had mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on Friday. I'm just home yesterday. I'm left with one breast larger than the other with quite a marked difference, as I had very large breasts to begin with.
I knew and expected this to happen. My surgeon (who is fab) explained all this to me from the outset.

I was given a prosthesis like a shell to wear until I have the other breast reduced. I'm very happy with my new little boob. I've to wait 6 months now for the reduction as I still have radiation ahead and to allow the muscle time to "settle" in it's new home.


commented by Josephine
11 October 2014

11 October 2014 00:29

Hi Bizzybee
I'm having the same dilemma, in fact I've said those exact words, I can't face going back into patient mode. I also had radiotherapy and now an LD flap plus implant is what has been suggested for me. I think the implant is not ideal before you have radiotherapy as the problems the other ladies spoke about can occur. But it's ok to have an implant after radiotherapy.
I wish I could decide what to do. I want it done but I don't want to go through it! I'm also a bit afraid of messing with a muscle in my back as I often need physio for my upper back. I have an appt to see the plastic surgeon next week and I'd be grateful if anyone has suggestions re questions I should ask.

commented by LindyLu
14 October 2014

14 October 2014 21:26

Hi Ladies, especially Bizzybee and Joesphine,

I had delayed reconstruction - LD plus implant. Had the surgery 20months after my original diagnosis and about 9months after chemo and rads had finished.

LD was pretty much the only option open to me. Sadly I did not have enough tummy flab to try DIEP.

LD plus implant is not ideal but it is better than being a uniboober!

Downsides are about threefold...
- so while it looks good, it feels fake! Cold to the touch and just more round than a natural boob.
- I can also feel it when I lie on my front. It is not soft and squishy like the other.
- it can bring on back related issues....I had lower back problems years ago and they came back to haunt me after recon. All is fine, pilates and now swimming keep it in shape now.

On the plus side...the operation was reasonably straightforward...yes I was in hospital for about 5 days (4 nights) but I recovered very quickly.

For me reconstruction was a no brainer...I was always going to get it done.

Would I do it all again?? yes but I might check to see IF I could have DIEP or other type of recon that did not involve an implant. I may have got the same answer buI dont know as I never really pushed it.

I wish it was possible to gather a few women in a room who have had all the different types of reconstruction and allow women facing recon options talk and meet with those same women. I'd even show off my rack so that you could get an idea of what to expect!!!

Good luck with your decisions.


commented by wilmaone
14 October 2014

14 October 2014 22:15

Hi lindylu

What a fab idea about a real ladies recon group.I had diep done and would have loved to have seen in the flesh what it could be like.thankfully mine worked and I'm very happy with it.I just had nopple done but again was so nervous going in as to what it would look like.I think all hospitals should have a little group of women who have had recon that are there for women who want to see what could be.I'm sure there are plenty of us that would happily help out ,I know I would.


commented by happy39
17 October 2014

17 October 2014 15:25

Hi Bizzybee

I had a Lat Flap back in 2010; immediate reconstruction. They had to use an implant also. My surgeon didn't think I would need radiation but I did and my implant as a result shrivelled. My surgeon suggested I have another implant put in but like some of the other ladies my implant felt hard even before radiation and it was like lying on a football when I lay on my front. So I did a lot of research to use my own fat to replace it, but as I didn't have enough stomach fat the tram or diep were not suitable for me. Then I found a site called and it showed a new technique that has being in a clinical trial for many years where the fat is taken from stomach, sides or thighs via liposuction and then using a machine to enhance the stem cells of the fat it is then reinjected into the boob to give a natural soft boob. I had this done in Scotland, in Nuffield Health Glasgow by Eva Mithoff and wow I love my results; soft boob; no more operations on that side. I had to pay for this procedure but I am so glad I had it done. Best of Luck and hope this gives you others options to look into Image removed.

commented by Josephine
17 October 2014

17 October 2014 15:35

Hi Bizzybee
Gosh, that's very interesting! I had appt yesterday to discuss and like you the LD flap with implant is considered the option for me. I will be back with questions for you no doubt.

commented by Josephine
17 October 2014

17 October 2014 15:37

Oops, sorry meant hi Happy39! but hi to all!

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