All other cancers
posted by ROC
03 July 2024

Losing face

Last reply: 08 July 2024 14:26

Greetings! I'm a bit of a newcomer to online communities, but here goes....
I was recently diagnosed with cancer of the nose. I have been through the mill of CT, MRI and PET scans and basically at this stage I am awaiting surgery. I gather that I am facing [pun not intended] a rhinectomy in a couple of weeks time. The prospect is leaving me just a little nervous. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of this, and what to expect?

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
08 July 2024

08 July 2024 14:26

Hi Roc,

Thank you for your post on our online community.

I am sorry to read that you are due to have surgery in the coming weeks. It can be very difficult waiting for your treatment to start and it is not unusual to be nervous. I do hope that you hear from someone who has had a similar experience and can address some of your queries.

If you would like to speak with one of our cancer nurses at any time, please contact the Support Line on 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

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