Breast cancer
posted by spudburf
18 April 2017

Bad results from DIEP Flap

Last reply: 26 April 2017 10:14

Hi there, I really need some advice from someone who may have had a DIEP Flap. I had my original surgery 2 years ago and I'm wondering if anyone else has a crooked tummy???? I have had a few procedures in the last 2 years to remove dog ears, fill the breast as it went flat, and scar revision but I still have a stomach that isn't symetrical. Where I had the reconstruction on my left side, it sort of looks like a bulge and my plastic surgeon is blaming everything but himself! He even went as far as to tell me I was overweight (which I'm not!).
Is very hard to find information relating to Ireland on the internet so if anyone can offer me any advice I'd really appreciate it as I'm very depressed about it and I thought this would be the best part of the whole 4 years of cancer, mastecomy, etc....

1 comment


commented by Irish Cancer Society
26 April 2017

26 April 2017 10:14

Hi there, I am sorry to see that you haven't had a reply to your post. If you would like to speak to a Cancer Nurseline nurse you can do so on 1800 200 700 Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. Kind regards, Cancer Nurseline

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