Breast cancer
posted by Dizzy63
27 February 2021

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 03 March 2021 13:55

Hi Guys,
Am totally new to this whole journey and just wondering if there’s a forum for people newly diagnosed with breast cancer, post Mastectomy and commencing chemotherapy.
I find very limited posts and would love to interact with people in same situation.
Many thanks.



commented by ari2020
28 February 2021

28 February 2021 03:11

A few hanging around, not sure how many new or in a specific spot!

It's about 5 months since I got my diagnosis and I'm doing the treatment the opposite way to you; chemo first (just finished that), and mastectomy soon, date tbc.

It's good to have something done, even if it is different in each case.

I expect the chemo nurses will look after you really well wherever you are, I only have great things to say about mine :)

commented by Iamstrong
28 February 2021

28 February 2021 19:50

Hello, had mastectomy 5 months ago also and just finished chemo 4 weeks ago. Starting tomoxifen this week.
It's scary and daunting but the treatment is very manageable once you listen to your body and rest when you need it etc.
The chemo nurses are the best there are and are so reassuring.
My mind is always racing and I'm working really hard to get into a positive zone so I can move on from this. Take advantage of all support groups in your county. They are of tremendous help also and offer so much.
Best of luck on your journey. X

commented by Chickateeboo
03 March 2021

03 March 2021 13:55

Hi Dizzy63,

There are a couple of good Facebook Groups where you can post questions and those who have a similar experience will respond.

The best one I have come across for Irish BC patients is Breast Cancer Survivors Ireland, here is the link >

They're a super genuine supportive group, I am a patient advocate and there are other patient advocates who are part of this group, it is well monitored and administrated.

Take care of yourself,

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