Breast cancer
posted by Avril
15 February 2011

Calling all those with implants!!

Last reply: 28 February 2011 18:47

Hi girls,
Greetings from the west of Ireland!
I had chemotherapy followed a lumpectomy[with nodes removed] two weeks ago. Then was told I need to have a mastectomy.
Now have to think of reconstruction.

Surgeon seemed VERY much in favour of going down the LD reconstruction route rather than the implant route and said that,although painful initially, longterm the results are better with LD.
I have little fat on my back[plenty everywher else!!] so would probably need an implant too even if I go down the LD road.

This has made me want to know more about just having the implants and leaving my back well enough alone!I am a coward.
I would love to hear from gals who had implants but not LD.

I need to have radiotherapy also.Do implants survive radiotherapy? and look o.k. afterwards?
I just do not know what to do.Am totally confused!

Diag. Sept.2010 Aged 45
Invasive lobular cancer.ER+
Chemo -ACT
Lumpectomy,2 nodes Positive
Tumour 4.6cm.
Tamoxifen Jan.2011
Advised to have mastectomy Feb.2011



commented by 3dee
16 February 2011

16 February 2011 12:37

Hi there'
I had a LD reconstruction with an implant comming up on five years ago
The results are excellent.There was numbness in my back for some time after and the scar is quiet long but(i think this depends on your surgeon) I barely notice it now.Over all If I had knowen my results were going to be so good having the mastectomy would not have worried me as much. Good luck

commented by LindyLu
17 February 2011

17 February 2011 17:44

Hi there

I had LD recon with implant last August. Implant alone was not an option for me (cant remember why - perhaps cos I am a D cup!)

Am deligted I got it done. So much better than messing around with prosthetics. I am delighted that I have clevage again!

To be honest I was not in too much pain afterwards. The first 3 days were sore but afterwards I was fine - I just popped those pain meds.

While I did my physio etc afterwards, I am definately not as mobile on the cancer side / LD side as my good side. My back sometimes feels stiff. I guess if I got myself swimming front crawl and back stroke once or twice a week I would stretch those muscles!

Good luck with your decision.


commented by Avril
17 February 2011

17 February 2011 21:17

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.
Spoke to a friend's brother who is a surgeon and he advised LD construction but to wait[for 6 or 9 months] until radiotherapy is completed and I am in better shape!! Mentally as well as physically.
My breast care nurse,however,is advising immediate reconstruction.Her idea is to get it all over with and move on.She is advising me to take action next week.I am just not ready.

commented by encee
20 February 2011

20 February 2011 20:20

Hi Avril
It seem such a huge decision to make and as every person is so different it's sometimes hard to get a handle on what is best for you.

I was confirmed with IDC on 3rd February and on that day the suggestion was put to me to have an immediate reconstruction with my mastectomy. I asked for a few days to think about it - I got onto this forum, rang the Irish Cancer Society Support number and spoke to ask many people as possible about their surgery, all of which was amazing help to making my own decision.

I found that talking about it to as many people as possible and asking a million questions really put the matter to bed for me.

I'm hopefully going with an immediate reconstruction with LD flap and small implant; the thing that swung it for me was that once the cancer was under control and it's treatment wouldn't be affected by my decision, then I wanted as little hospital time as possible so there wouldn't be so much interference on the homefront.

The very, very best of luck to you and wishing you back to full health.

commented by FH2
25 February 2011

25 February 2011 12:26

Hi Avril,

Usually with implant reconstruction, you have a tissue expander fitted initially after your mastectomy. This gradually stretches the muscle and skin till your breast reaches the size required. Then, after a while, you have your exchange surgery (this is usually just a day procedure) when the expander is taken out and replaced with a permanent implant.

I did not have immediate reconstruction but am going through expansion at the moment and having problems. I had previously had radiotherapy and it seems to have damaged the pectoral muscle in my chest a lot and it is not stretching and giving me lots of problems.

However, my cousin had immediate reconstruction (BEFORE her radioT) and had her expanders fitted and partially inflated at the time of her initial surgery. She then went through chemo and radiotherapy and has never had any issues. She is due her final exchange surgery next week.

A flap recon usually gives a more natural feeling breast (cos it uses tissue from another part of the body). They are softer and will sag naturally over time (as your non BC breast will). I decided against it because it is usually a longer operation and recovery. I'm a single mam with a young child so I wanted to be back on my feet asap. I also didn't want a second set of scars on my back or tummy.

The decision for type of recon is very personal for each of us. there are pros and cons to each type. Most surgeons recommend the type that THEY do. If your heart is set on a different type, there should be no problem getting a referral to a different surgeon. If you are in the West, I am guessing you are attending Galway who have a good plastics team (my cousin had her expander/implant recon done my Michael Kerin there). And the 'lodge' for Radiotherapy patients who need to stay over is beautiful too - like a hotel!

Best of luck making your decision. And I hope it goes really well for you. Keep us posted.


commented by Avril
25 February 2011

25 February 2011 15:37

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me! Am leaning towards the idea of immediate reconstruction[LD] as my own surgeon and oncologist seem very much in favour of this.Still reeling that tumour much larger than first anticipated and so uptight that I have not given the topic of reconstruction the attention that I should.

commented by LindyLu
25 February 2011

25 February 2011 21:22

Hi Avril,

Don't feel rushed or pressurised to make a decision. If you need another week or two to get your head around the options and choices, demand that time. It won't make any difference to your cancer. I was diagnosed in early December but did not have surgery till Jan as the Christmas holidays were in the way!


commented by FH2
28 February 2011

28 February 2011 18:47

Hi Avril,

Linda is correct about not being pressured to make a decision. I'd say your surgeon will confirm that you can take some time to make up your mind about recon. Especially as you have already had a lumpectomy. I also took an extra couple of weeks after my diagnosis before I went ahead with any surgery. The more pressure you are under to decide, the less likely you are to be able to make a decision!

And here are some links for support in the West. Have you been to one yet? ... port-.html

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Social Service Centre,
Co. Galway
Tel: (091) 844 319

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