Breast cancer
posted by glucosesweet
13 December 2010


Last reply: 17 December 2010 00:06

I am interested in hearing from some one who is receiving HERCEPTIN WITHOUT CHEMOTHERAPY and who may also be diabetic on insulin for many years




commented by LindyLu
16 December 2010

16 December 2010 11:45

Hi there

I am Her2 neg but it was always my understanding that women who were Her2+ had chemo and herceptin.

However the decision on chemo versus no chemo may have other influencing factors -your age, menopausal status, size of tumour and whether nodes were involved.

I have met ladies who were Her2neg with a small tumor and no nodal involement who avoided chemo. Some of them opted for full mastectomy cos of their age (younger less than 40 age group).

Perhaps you might want to get a second opinion from another oncologist. Where are you based? Could you afford to see someone privately? My onc is based in Beaumont. I saw him privately at first and then moved to public outpatients once I knew my treatment plan.

This artice might lend some weight to why chemo is important. ... 141414.htm

Am afraid I cannot offer any advice re insulin.

Good luck with it all.


commented by glucosesweet
16 December 2010

16 December 2010 23:59

MANY TKS FOR YOUR REPLY GREATLY APPRECIATED. The reason that I am not receiving chemo is because m y immune system is not strong enough so they say it could kill me also i am breathless and over weight. I am due to start radiation on Mon and have had my first Herceptin last week.
I am a little worried that i may not even have 5 years and am also worried that the treatment may not work and that it would be stopped but in saying that i take each day as it comes and can accept the things in life that i can not change.

commented by glucosesweet
17 December 2010

17 December 2010 00:06

good luck LindyLu i see that you h ave 2 toddlers enjoy them . they will keep you busy and your mind occupied Image removed.Image removed.Image removed. i smile alot take care

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