Breast cancer
posted by deefed
07 August 2013

High fever during radiation 39.2

Last reply: 07 August 2013 21:43

Hi ladies 8 more rads to go and have very high temp today. 39.2 question is, is it like chemo if your over 38.5 you should report to hospital? Any help be appreciated



commented by Dane7
07 August 2013

07 August 2013 20:27

I don't know - wouldn't think so but suggest that you give the Caredoc a ring or the VHI Nurse Line if you are a member of VHI to get some advice and peace of mind. Always better to be safe than sorry. Best of luck Dee.

commented by WicklowLady
07 August 2013

07 August 2013 21:43

God I gave up taking my temperature after I finished chemo. No I'd say you might just have a bit of a flu or something. I'd ring breast cancer nurse just to make sure. I'd say its nothing to do with rads though, just a coincidence. Must take mine when I get a hot flush see what it is lol

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