Breast cancer
posted by lucky star
13 February 2011

Need reconstruction advice

Last reply: 21 July 2011 18:34


Had mastectomy to left breast in May 2009. Now feeling ready to go for recon surgery. Had seen Caitriona Lawlor before my surgery and decided not to have same time mastectomy and reconstruction. I had hoped to have my recon done this summer, suits better in terms of recovery, my kids, work etc. But ..... just my luck Dr. Lawlor will be on maternity. Has anyone out there used any other surgeons, in Vincent's or Blackrock Clinic...or Beacon? Caitriona is happy to refer me to someone else if I can't wait till she gets back. I had my heart set on this summer.....would appreciate any advice or recommendations. Oh and my main option is LD flap ... or the Diep thing, but expanders no good for me after radiotherapy.

Lucky star



commented by FH2
11 March 2011

11 March 2011 13:50

Hi Lucky Star,

So sorry that no one has replied to you until now. Have you gotten anywhere further making your recon decision since you posted?

I think I met Caitriona Lawlor in the Mater when I had my first BC surgery done 5 years ago. If its the same person, she's wonderful, isn't she? I found her extremely warm and understanding, but also professional. So I can understand why you would be more comfortable to stick with her.

If you trust her, ask her for a recommendation about another surgeon. See if you can talk to 1, 2 or even 3 others so you get plenty of info and can choose whoever you feel most comfortable with. Make sure you ask how many LD flaps this other surgeon has done and if they are willing to let you see results of them, or if they have any patients that would be willing to talk to you about their experience of the surgery (and the surgeon!).

I have no experience of LD flap surgeons. I know there are several in the Mater who perform this type and they also have private practices but don't know if they operate in Blackrock or Beacon.

Good luck!


commented by RoxAnn
17 March 2011

17 March 2011 11:00

hi ya,
I had ld flap last august and very pleased with it - my surgeon was in cork - Mr. Kelly - got a very good reputation. Seemingly it is necessary to find out about the surgeon - hey, you wouldnt put your car into a garage unless you knew they had good mechanics would you !!!

if you want any info be sure and post -


commented by hopeful2
21 March 2011

21 March 2011 11:14

hey lucky star,

i also had modified radical mascetomy in may 2009 without the option of immediate reconstruction and am waiting on a date for my ld reconstruction at the present in limerick, i am going with a surgeon called Ann Merrigan, she has a fabulous reputation. ld was my only option with an implant, i also had rads. i am thinking of going up a size on the other boob, was not going to but met with a person who had ld done by this surgeon and that is what she did to make them match better and they look wonderful.
she said the boob job did not hurt at all but that the ld was very painful for 3 months afterwards, and that her back feels funny when someone touches it, kind of like our chests at the minute and the back of your arm, more related to nerve damage i wd think.
i used the cancer line to put me in touch with someone else that had it done before this, but that lady was very nice but had skin sparing mascetomy with immediate reconstruction and no rads or lymph node desection. i would go to the surgeon recommened by your surgeon and ask to be ut in touch with an x patient of theirs.

commented by hopeful2
09 June 2011

09 June 2011 14:25

lucky star,

i am getting my lati dorsi reconstruction done next wens so i will keep you posted on progress and results. not looking forward to it, but looking forward to having a foob instead of this jelly fish look alike.

commented by linali
10 June 2011

10 June 2011 08:58

hi hopeful. Had appt with ms merrigan this week and very disappointed. Should have surgery in 6 weeks or so but hospital where she does recon is closing for summer. Did you have to wait long? She doing reduction on other breast as huge difference . Also have hyper sensitivity in breast after radio therapy Image removed.

commented by hopeful2
13 June 2011

13 June 2011 09:10

hi lucky star,

it was this time last year that i first rang about getting it done, my appointment was canx twice before i seen ms merrigan, then i was given info and told to go away and think about it and given a further date to cone back, i signed up around christmas and was told would be march, i have been ringing on a regular basis and had told them i needed it before june for several reasons but one being work cover but when they rang me with the 15th of june i jumped at it, as st johns theatres closing 1st of july until sept and only one opening then, not both of them. so expect 6 or 7 months, as i was that, but might be lucky as she told me very few want it coming up to christmas, so fingers crossed for you. i will let you know how i get on and if in two months time you want to meet someone who had a similar operation done pls do not hesitate to contact me. i am county lim based. public and private is the same list as is only right really, i am private as vhi picking up tab and with there annual costs now i do not feel too sorry for them.

take care, it does fly around in the end. getting nervous now, not sleeping well, but looking forward to it too.

commented by linali
20 June 2011

20 June 2011 10:10

hi hopeful 2
hope that everything went well for you on wednesday and not too much pain.Ms merrigan brilliant surgeon. I may look into going to another hospital purely because of waiting time. It could be ages. Also not had check mammo yet . will chase it up. it must be a relief to have surgery over Image removed.

commented by hopeful2
29 June 2011

29 June 2011 19:22


my internet was down for last few weeks, but i had surgery on the 15th and am flying it, back walking etc. i was nearly left home on the saturday but last drain left me down so came home last monday week and even contemplating returning to work next monday although some think i am mad so may wait till monday week. i have good use of my arm and while am stiff could not say that i am very sore, the operation was 5 and a half hours and got day release from hospital on the saturday and sunday so was able to meet people for lunch etc. i got the final drain out on the monday and was down to one pain killer just going into bed at night for the turning.

two weeks out from operation today and getting dressing off next tuesday, delighted with the result. it looks very good, still a small bit of swelling in it, i met a woman who had it done in cork by a male surgeon and was very pleased but i must say i cannot praise ms merrigan enough, even my scars are small. if i can be of any help to you please do not hesitate to contact me, i am so thrilled that i went ahead and got it done. hope you are keeping well although the news the other night did not bring good news for waiting times that you will get a date soon.

commented by linali
21 July 2011

21 July 2011 10:59

found out it will be at least november so have decided to go to galway but not familiar with surgeons there, have you heard anything

commented by LindyLu
21 July 2011

21 July 2011 15:43


I think if you transfer to Galway you will still be waiting! I dont have any advice re Galway surgeons (perhaps put a a seperate post up on that topic).

Some things you can do in the meantime to try to get bumped up

1 - Get you breast care nurse on the case - tell her the wait for you recon is really affecting your well being, life etc. Ask her what you might do to expediate your surgery
2 - Phone limerick hospital (if that is where you are waiting) every two weeks. See if you can figure out who manages the surgery schedule. Tell them every other time that you will take a cancellation!
3 - TD. I hate to suggest this but you could write to your local TD and explain your situation and that you thought you were on a wait list but that you are not etc and see if they can intervene.

I know from the medics in Beaumont that he or she who shouts most gets elevated on the wait lists...sad but true.

Good luck

commented by linali
21 July 2011

21 July 2011 18:34

thanks for that, have been in constant touch and cancer support centre helped me contact surgeon, but because of closures no definate dates. Im sure lots of other people affected too. I know that I was lucky and had all my treatment quickly, but for me the reconstruction is so important and part of SURVIVAL. Yes waiting times as long in galway and I have great faith in my surgeon so may wait. Will be worth it in the end. I am thinking of writing though, not to speed up treatment but to highlight that recon surgery will stop for summer months. It may not be considered life saving but I think its so important in breast cancer recovery.

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