Breast cancer
posted by Eibhlin
06 March 2015

Pain in Arm since Brest Surgery

Last reply: 08 March 2015 23:17

I was diagnosed with Breast cancer in May 2013 and had chemotherapy first, followed by right breast and 16 lymph nodes being removed. Since my operation I Have tightness under my arm and in the area where my right breast was. I have had loads of physio, been to Pain Speialist and had a number of injections for nerve pain but this unberable tightness never goes away and is particulary uncomfortable when I go to bed. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what, if anything can help.



commented by LindyLu
07 March 2015

07 March 2015 21:28

Oh Eibhlin, you sound really fed up. I don't even have much by way of suggestion. Did you have rads as part of your treatment? If yes it may be contributing to the tightness too. Do you message the area every day, with bio oil or E45 or similar.

I have had back issues over the years, made worse by my recon! However over the last year I have been swimming once a week and the tightness in my underarm area is less and my back is WAY better, just much more supple and less taught. It would be a long shot but swimming might help.

Hope you can figure out a way to reduce the pain.


commented by Eibhlin
08 March 2015

08 March 2015 22:44

Thanks for your reply Lindylu. I have appointment in the morning with Consultant regarding my breast reconstruction so will see what he says. I went swimming with my sister about 9 months ago but it was a bit of a disaster for me as I was afraid to swim, afraid to stretch my arm to its full capacity and have never gone back since. I am not even sure at this stage if I will go for the breast reconstruction - the whole area hurts so much, I fear that any more surgery would cause more pain and tightness. Anyway these are issues I need to make decisions on. I had 28 sessions of radiotherapy so that would have contributed to the tightness under my arm. I am trying to stay positive and am so glad the cancer is gone but this pain and tightness really gets me down at times.

commented by LindyLu
08 March 2015

08 March 2015 23:17

I don't know what age you are Eibhlin but I was absolutely adamant recon was for me. And even though the foob (fake boob) it feels unnatural, it looks pretty normal and therefore I feel more normal with it. I can tell you that it makes changing in a swim changing room a whole lot easier with a fake boob! So keep an open mind on the recon...

I'd give swimming another go to. It might take you a few goes to get comfortable with putting pressure by stretching over arm. I find back stroke less difficult than front crawl.

Good luck with the consult on Monday. Wait lists for recon can be long so if you think it is something you want, tell them yes and you will have plenty of time to think about it.


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