Breast cancer
posted by FH2
11 March 2011

Second attempt at Expander Recon Failed - remove both??

Last reply: 25 March 2011 18:32


Sadly last week (only 3 wks after my last surgery) I felt a pop/clunk under my right arm. As the day wore on, I realised something had torn again and my expander began to drop. I visited my surgeon yesterday and he confirmed that it is now completely out from the muscle 'pocket' again. He says tissue expander recon will not work for me but I can look at another type of recon for the Right side. I previously spent 2 years trying to decide about my PBM and am not really interested in a flap procedure.

My problem is... I am thinking of having the LEFT side expander removed also. I discussed this with my surgeon and he is happy to do this if I wish. My 'logic' behind this is that I would prefer to have some symmetry. If I stay flat, then I figure it will be easier to achieve symmetry with TWO prosthesis, rather than trying to match one to a firm implant. Or if I do subsequently decide to try some form of flap recon (unlikely as it is), I think I would prefer to have BOTH sides made from softer flap tissue, likely to droop over my lifetime, rather than one perky implant and one soft flap recon.

I know its impossible to get perfect symmetry - I didn't have it with my natural, pre BC, or prePBM, breasts either. But I would like to have the best possible chance my deformed chest has at it.

Am I mad? My removal surgery is schedule for March 22, or 29.




commented by LindyLu
11 March 2011

11 March 2011 22:35

Hi there Flo

So sorry to hear that the last surgery was not successful.

You face a difficult choice, remove one and hope that an alternative procedure gives better results or remove both and go flat and face the prospect of double the trauma with a different procedure.

I lived with one boob for 18 months. It would have easier to be flat as I am a D cup but I am not sure I would have volunteered my good boob for symmetry and ease of prosthetics. Now I know your situation is different as you have already has a BLM.

Can I ask why you are so against a flap procedure? I had lat flap with implant last Aug. Procedure went well. They took a good bit of skin from my back as well as muscle but the result is really quite good, better than my own one but of course it feels fake! I was in hospital for 6 days. It took a bit of time to recover. I has a two year old and 3.5year old at the time and managed however I know your situation is different re support structures.

Do what feels right for you. I think if it were me I would just remove the one that has failed and look forward to a different type of recon in the future.

All the best


commented by FH2
21 March 2011

21 March 2011 12:50

Hi LindyLu,

Thanks for your reply. I am heading in this evening for surgery tomorrow morning to have both expanders removed.

I have decided to stick with my instincts and go for symmetry. I am (currently) against flap surgery because it is a longer surgery, more difficult recovery and more scarring. I just wanted to keep things as simple as possible, especially as a single mum. Not how things worked out of course, but anyway! Image removed.

I am going to try prosthesis for a while and see how I get on. If I hate them, I have the option of a flap type recon later on. And I certainly have enough belly to give me two medium sized boobs!

Its interesting that you would've like symmetry but not enough to sacrifice your remaining breast. I'd have been the same. And you are right; because I'd already had both natural breasts removed, its a much easier decision to remove the 'good' expander. But I am still worried about how I will react to being breastless when I wake up tomorrow. But, (deep breath) here we go!

Wish me luck.

commented by janeymac
23 March 2011

23 March 2011 21:00

Hi Flo
So sorry that you're back in for surgery, hope all goes well for you. Altho my situation is different to yours as I opted not to go for recon, I have to say that I am very happy with my prosthesis. Once I am dressed no one could tell I have it, it's comfortable and a good shape. Can't wear low cut tops but I never did anyway Image removed.
I haven't been swimming yet but hope to go soon, I have heard that the prosthesis can seem v heavy but I'm not sure if that would be a problem as I think the water would support it.

I'm sure this is a difficult week for you, and you have had plenty of them Image removed. but I hope you will find plenty to encourage you as well.

commented by FH2
25 March 2011

25 March 2011 18:32

Hi there,

Got home from hospital yesterday afternoon. More sore than I expected but my surgeon also did a BIG tidy up of scarring, excess skin and tissue from previous ops. I am flat, with two large scars but thankfully, not as upset as I thought I might be. I have 2 soft, cushiony prosthesis but going without for the moment - not going anywhere anyway yet!

Re: swimming. Do a check of your swimsuit BEFORE you go. Sometimes when they get wet, they become more seethrough and the prosthesis is visible. Do you have a pocket in your costume to hold it in place? There are also special, clear prostheses specifically designed for sport and swimming. If you are going to do a lot of swimming, it might be worth the investment at some stage. You can get a brochure (free) from

And thanks very much for your thoughts and good wishes.


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