Breast cancer
posted by Dane7
06 November 2012

Secondaries - breast to bone?

Last reply: 11 January 2013 23:49

Hi all

Anyone experienced secondaries to the bone?

Have severe rib pain and have had bone scan today. Scared witless only diagnosed in March this year. Have done chemo (which
didn't work), mastectomy and am about to start radiotherapy next week.

Has anyone has bone secondaries
Or rib pain post mastectomy




commented by LindyLu
06 November 2012

06 November 2012 21:34

Oh Dane, hope it is nothing and just something really simple like post operative pressure injury or fracture.

I developed a really bad cough after first chemo. Coughed really hard one night and was in AGONY for weeks and weeks afterwards. Medics in their wisdom told me it was a pulled muscle. Roll on twelve months and a chest xray as part on enrolment onto a clinical trial. Spots show up on lung on non cancer side where I had remembered hurting upon starting chemo. Bone scan organised which confirmed I had fractured TWO ribs in prevoius year or so. I was never so relieved to have an old fracture. The anxiety waiting to apt scan and results had me on a ledge.....

See if you can get scan results tomorrow, they tend to be read and reported on day of or day after scan.

Good luck


commented by WicklowLady
06 November 2012

06 November 2012 22:50

Yes the nurse took a sneak peek on the computer as she knew I was worried and told me my bone scan was clear, week before I was supposed to know. I was so grateful, tell them you are worried

commented by Neadi
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 00:31

The ladies are right- my bone scan was back after 24 hours, and the nurses rang and told me- give it a shot!

I hope it's good good news


commented by wilmaone
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 19:58

Hi Dane
Did you get any results?You really have had a rough time.I hope all comes back with good news for you i think your definately overdue some.


commented by Josephine
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 20:27

Hi Dane
Sorry you have even more worries at the moment.
I have been having rib pain or that's what I think it is, under where my breast was. I have found it is definitely worse when I do the crawling up the wall exercises and related to the cording which is running down from my armpit and seems to end at the sore spot. I tested out stopping the exercises for a few days and it did ease off. I asked physio, BC nurse, oncologist and they all said it is scar tissue, take painkillers and eventually it will improve.
As I know you have the cording problem also, I wonder if your pain could be anyway related to that?
Thinking of you xxx

commented by lolocork
16 December 2012

16 December 2012 22:51

`hi Dane I really hope that by now you will have received good news about your rib pain. I unfortunately did not get good news in that dept but I am well and having a fabulous Christmas. Stay in the moment, don't look too far head. lots of love. lolocork

commented by Josephine
19 December 2012

19 December 2012 17:04

Hi lolocork
Sorry to hear you had some bad news. It's what we all worry about and you can be sure our thoughts are with you. Glad to hear you are having a great Christmas.
Jo x

commented by deefed
21 December 2012

21 December 2012 23:38

Hi Lolcork sorry to hear that you got bad news its what we all dread and its so hard to accept.
Sending some happy and mad vibes your way xx

commented by Dane7
26 December 2012

26 December 2012 19:29

Hi Lolo
Yes thankfully my pain is a fractured rib. CT last week finally cleared up any doubt. So relieved despite the pain. So sorry to hear that you did not have good news. This thing is such a bugger. Thinking of you and hoping for better news in 2013. Dane.

commented by lolocork
07 January 2013

07 January 2013 19:01

hi all,

I had a brilliant Christmas just bracing myself for a my next check up. deefed your details are quite similar to mine and I am going to check out your website.

love lolocork

commented by MaryB
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 19:07

Hi all
I am terrified. I've been on a roller-coaster since I was diagnosed last August with stage iv breast cancer which has metastasised to the bone, tumors all over my skeleton. After radiotherapy, Prof Crown put me on hormone treatment and was hopeful it would hold it at bay. The CT scan in Dec. showed that there were more cancer spots and tumors. This knocked me for six as i had believed the treatment would work. I had more radiotherapy on my neck and spine. I have lost nearly 4 inches in height, because of radiotherapy/compression of my vertabrae and because my neck and spine now curve. I am in pain despite being on lyrica, oxynorm, duragesic & lidocaine and having had several nerve block procedures. I started on taxol this week - the first of 24 weekly doses, 6 wks on, 2 wks off. I feel its curtains shortly if this doesn't work and I fear that it won't or that I'll react badly to it. I am so frightened. I find it hard to be positive. Sorry for this depressing email.

commented by WicklowLady
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 19:30

Oh Mary b what can I say. Do try to keep positive as they can do great things. I will keep you in my prayers xxx

commented by shirls
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 20:07

Don't apologise for your posting. All of us here know the horrible reality of cancer. Sorry you had to join us here but we all support each other so keep in touch, we are all on this journey together.
Stay strong,


commented by Dane7
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 20:08

Oh Mary I feel for you. You must be so frightened. Unfortunately no words of wisdom to comfort you only that Prof Crown is so experienced and knowledgeable he will do his utmost to help. They may try Chemo
post RT to help. Maybe some of the other ladies out here will have some experience of this. Wishing u relief and
better news. Don't know whether it would
help to talk to others who may be/have been in
the same boat. Reach to Recovery or the psycho oncology unit at your hospital may help. Dane

commented by wilmaone
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 20:19

I truly feel for you.I hope you get some good news soon.rant away here anytime we are all here to listen and we all understand I only wish I could do more.

Xx w

commented by Kathleen
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 20:25

I don't have words to say what I felt reading your post but my heart goes out to you Mary B. Praying that the Taxol treatment will work well for you.

Hugs Kathleen

commented by deefed
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 23:49

Hi Mary B - as the others have said I could imagine the terror you must be feeling. As Dane7 says you are in very good hands with Crown. Jesus thats a tough Chemo they have you on now six weeks on etc. lets hope this really nukes the B..t...ds

Its of course not easy to keep positive when you keep getting news like that but really do try and every time you are sitting in that horrible chemo chair think of it as a PacMan game (if you are old enough to remember them) and kill each little bugger one at a time. Let us know your next time and we will kill them along with you with our terrible and murderous vibes to those cells.

Please Please rant away here as we all have been through and are going through a lot and what happening to you can just as easy happen to us and its never far away from our thoughts so we can understand you. Good idea from Dane as well to see if you can contact people who have been through what you have.

Thinking of you hope to see you keep on posting here and sending loads of killer vibes for the bad cells your way and lots of love, support and hugs


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