Breast cancer
posted by FH2
02 February 2011

Surgery Tuesday 8th Feb

Last reply: 14 February 2011 22:02


I have had a lot of problems with infection in my right breast since my double mastectomy in September. At my visit last week to my surgeon, I told him I have finally had enough of constant antibiotics and we decided to remove the tissue expander that has come out of 'the pocket' and dropped low on my chest and slightly under my armpit.

I got a call earlier today from his secretary to say I have to be in the Mater Private next Mon afternoon for surgery next Tues am. If the breast looks free of infection, he will try to create or repair the pocket and insert a new expander. If its not, he will just remove the existing one and we will look at my options when things heal up a bit.

To be honest, I am freaking out a bit now. We had pencilled in next week but I thought my surgery would be in the public hospital so I thought bed availability would be an issue and it might not go ahead. Now its suddenly all go and very real! Also, I had a scary experience in the private hospital last year involving a reaction to morphine so I'm a bit nervous about returning there.

Has anyone any advice on how to calm down? And also what pain relief options there are to morphine? Has anyone ever had the spinal block and how did you find it? Were you unable to walk and stuck in bed with it? For how long?

Deep breaths, deep breaths.



commented by Dub
02 February 2011

02 February 2011 20:43

Hi Flo

poor you. sounds like you are getting yourself into a right state. I'm not much help because I always panic when I have to go into hospital. I think maybe you should focus on the fact that its GOOD that you are going in to have it all sorted next week. Try to think ahead to Wednesday when it will all be over.
Sending you good thoughts and best wishes


commented by FH2
04 February 2011

04 February 2011 09:17

thanks Dub,

I saw my surgeon yesterday and I am a bit calmer now. But I have had a nightmare about waking up after surgery with a morphine pump attached to me despite warnings all over my file! Image removed.

Strangely its not the surgery I am anxious about, its the aftercare (because of what happened last time). But I suppose the chances of something going wrong a second time are pretty slim. Anyway, my surgeon said he will release me as soon as possible so I hope to be out on Wednesday!


commented by LindyLu
04 February 2011

04 February 2011 11:21

Oh Flo

Did not realise that you were havin such problems with you mast and recon. Hopefully the surgeon fella can get it sorted.


commented by huggybear
04 February 2011

04 February 2011 12:36

Hi Flo,

I never realised you were having such a bad time. Best of luck on
Tuesday next and i will keep you in my prayers.

Can understand how you feel, and hopefully by next thurs you will
be home in our own house, cuppa in hand.

Love and light to you and hugs.

commented by RoxAnn
04 February 2011

04 February 2011 22:53

Hi Flo,
gosh, you are SO good looking after everyone on this site and you
going through all this yourself.....
Well, just look forward to getting it sorted for once and for all next week.
I had the ''block'' for both my mastectomy and reconstruction and it
was great - they had a little bother inserting it but with the tablets they gave me before i went to the operating th. I was very giddy and thought it was quite trivial and funny.............. Image removed.

Start the ''think positive'' routine - keep imagining that it is all over and that you have fantastic results................... you will believe it and then it will happen.

Us girls will be thinking of you and I always believe in a little prayer so think of a whole gang of us wishing you well. Image removed.


commented by janeymac
06 February 2011

06 February 2011 20:23

Hi Flo
I'm sorry to hear u have been having such trouble. I hope everything goes well for you on tues. Don't expect the worst, look at how well you have done over these past months coping wt such trauma & upset to your life. And when you compare Tuesdays procedure to a double mastectomy.... I think u have done brilliant & will continue to do so.
As I believe God cares about you and all the details of your life, I am praying for you, for peace & strength & a straightforward procedure that will make you wonder what you were worrying about Image removed.

commented by encee
10 February 2011

10 February 2011 00:19

Hi Flo
Hopefully better late than never - hope everything went OK on Tues?

commented by RoxAnn
10 February 2011

10 February 2011 08:56

Hi Flo,
hope it all went well on Tuesday for you.

It is now time for treats and TLC - - lots of warming comfort foods and
friends around.

take care, will say a little prayer that all is going according to plan Image removed.


commented by FH2
11 February 2011

11 February 2011 21:32

Hello everyone,

I'm home! Totally shattered and pretty sore BUT home! Image removed.

I was very nervous before my surgery and a bit teary after. However, it all went ok. He said he stitched the mustcles back together very tightly with 'non dissolving'? sutures so it won't all fall apart again. I was disappointed to see it start to turn red and hot on Wednesday and end up back on a big dose of antibiotics again. But it seems to have settled down a little bit so hopefully I'll only be on them for a week.

I really need it all to work this time cos this is my last chance at expander recon and I don't think I would pursue any other type of recon. Well at the moment anyway, but who knows how I would feel a year down the road if things were to go pear shaped again?

Anyway, I'm not allowed to do pretty much ANYTHING for the next wk or so. Thankfully, I have gotten a home help to come for an hour every day to help do cleaning and do my son's bathing and creaming for his eczema (I couldn't believe that, to be honest).

Thank you all SO much for your prayers and good wishes. They worked!


Now to catch up with whats been happening to everyone....

commented by encee
12 February 2011

12 February 2011 02:07

Deelighted you are home and that you are getting a bit of help too.
Wishing all good things for you now; a swift recovery, and that it doesn't go pear-shaped.
Best of luck

commented by RoxAnn
14 February 2011

14 February 2011 22:02

Well done Flo,
Delighted to hear you are on home ground again - take all the tlc you can get - you deserve it.

plenty daytime tv, cozy jamies and hot cuppas !!

enjoy Image removed.

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