Breast cancer
posted by shirleyl
18 February 2009


Last reply: 23 January 2012 06:47

Hello everyone.
I thought that anyone about to embarke their chemo journey with the above drug should know the up to date info.
This has happend to me and others.
It is possible that Taxotere can leave you permantley bald.
It doesnt happen to many, thankfully, but if it can happen to me and others then......
I have written about my story and will shortly add the letter i have recieved from Sanofi Aventis admitting that it can happen.
If you would like more info please read my blog. I only started it yesterday so in the early stages.
I hope we are allowed relevent links onto our pages admin?
Thank you for reading my thread.



commented by shirleyl
21 February 2009

21 February 2009 15:05

I should have added that i am looking for anyone else that has a hair loss problem since having Taxotere.
Could you please contact me. If you know anyone with this problem please get them to conact me as i am trying to get some action taken against SA but i need as many people as possible.
many thanks.

commented by Kathleen
17 January 2012

17 January 2012 08:46

Just wondering if anyone has an update on this story. I am starting Taxotere next week after 3 x FEC and am pretty nervous about the risk of permanent hair loss.

My oncologist has never seen this happen in quite a long career but has suggested weekly Taxol as an alternative. Am I complicating my life over the next 12 weeks for no good reason by going for a weekly treatment rather than a treatment every 3 weeks?

I'd love to hear from you if you have any news on this story.

My follow on treatment is Tamoxifen and radiation.

14-09-11 Mammogram
19-09-11 biopsy
20-09-11 50th birthdqy
10-10-11 Lumptectomy - (2 tumours + 13 lymph nodes removed)
Nov - Jan 3 x FEC
Married, 2 lovely daughters

commented by shinners
19 January 2012

19 January 2012 20:16

Hi Kathleen

I did 6 rounds of Taxotere and had read the stories about permanent hair loss with it and it frightened the life out of me but to be honest I took a deep breadth, put my trust in my oncologist and went with it. Yes I lost all my hair through the treatment but if it is of any comfort to you, 6 months post chemo and I have a full head of healthy hair, it may be very short and greyer but it is still as thick as it was prior to treatment. One thing I will advise you about though is nail care. Taxotere can cause your nails to go black and to fall off. I used Sally Hanson miracle cure on my nails all the way through my treatment and am still using it and I have healthy nails.
The very best of luck with whatever decision you make and remember there is loads of support out there if you need to ask a question or just need to offload.


commented by lyric
19 January 2012

19 January 2012 22:03


I too had read this post before starting my chemo (4 X taxotere and 4 x cylophosphamide). Needless to say I was concerned. I finished chemo at the end of May 2011 and have a full head of hair again. The nurses who administered the drugs assured me they had never seen a case of permanent hair loss as a result of taxotere.

Good luck with your treatment.

commented by Kathleen
23 January 2012

23 January 2012 06:47

Thanks Lyric and Sinead for letting me know how you got on with Taxotere. My hair is already pretty much gone already from the FEC treatment by the way - it's certainly not presentable any more - only the thought of it growing back makes this bearable.

My heart goes out to Shirleyl and all those other ladies out there whose hair did not grow back.

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