Breast cancer
posted by Neadi
14 November 2012

Tomorrow, tomorrow......

Last reply: 18 November 2012 09:54

Well here we are the night before the big op....

Left work today- god that was so so difficult!! The kids actually thought it was my birthday coz there were so many parcels and cards on my desk!!! If only......

So left school and had a hot choc and huge slab of chocolate cake. Fish and chips tonight as don't fancy cooking....

But still so very very scared of what is going to happen tomorrow... Yes it's the start of recovery, but it's also the start of all the very yucky things that I don't want to happen. Piece by piece, step by step....I havent even packed the bag coz I don't want to believe that this is going to happen.




commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 17:27

Oh you poor thing but you'll weather this storm it's just a blip in your life. You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last. I have learned so much since I got breast cancer.. I thought breast cancer was breast cancer and everyone was the same but by God that is so not true.

If you can try not to worry too much as it won't help, you'll be in great hands tomorrow and after tomorrow no waiting. Will be saying a prayer for you and when you're up to it we'd love to hear from you.

Be brave. Xxxxx

commented by Neadi
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 18:07

Just got a call from the breast clinic- I've been put on standby because of bed shortages- I have to wait until 8 am tomorrow morning to see if I can go in or not!! Unreal!! My mind is spinning!!!

All set to go and now we may have to wait another week.....


commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 18:13

Oh no that's torture. I'd get on the phone crying telling them they can't stress you like that. Do you mind me asking you is it public or private hospital ? They'd no bed in private for me on Sunday

commented by wilmaone
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 18:14

Oh Neadi
You poor thing!!!!I hope you get to go in ,so you can put this part behind you and move on to phase two.I will be thinking of you and hoping its all systems go.

xx W

commented by shirls
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 19:38

Hi Neadi,
How ya Missus, fingers crossed you will get a bed tomorrow and you can finally get on the road to recovery.
Step by step you'll get there,
Will be thinking of you,

Hugs from Wexford,
Shirls x

commented by Neadi
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 20:40

Its the public hospital......

A bit of me is relieved, but a bit of me is gutted that this just can't get moving........

So the drama continues.....

commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 20:45

Oh they shouldn't mess with people who are at such a sensitive time in their lives

commented by Kathleen
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 20:57

Keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a bed for you tomorrow. Image removed.

By the way, wear a blouse/cardigan type of outfit (rather than a T shirt/jumper) going in so that you don't have to raise your arms to get dressed on the day you are leaving hospital.

Hugs and positive thoughts going your way


commented by Neadi
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 21:00

I know!!!!!!

Hubbie is raging now, as it's been 7 weeks of driving up and down that n81 continuously with really not much to show for it except consultation and talking.....

He wants to just turn up in the morning and see what happens....
I'm not sure a tactic like that would work.....

Argh!!!!!!!! Image removed.

commented by WicklowLady
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 21:13

Turn up and show your emotions it's been tough and you need to get on with it

commented by Kathleen
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 21:40

Poor you and poor Mr Neadi too. This is a tough time for our dear husbands too. They didn't sign up for this any more than we did and it is very frightening for them too.

I'm inclined to think that if there is no bed for you tomorrow (and I hope there is Image removed. ), the surgeon and his team won't be expecting you either and you'll have only wasted your time going up to Dublin.

As for the "talk and consultations" we see it as frustratingly long but getting an accurate diagnosis before surgery helps to reduce the time you'll be under anaesthetic. Surgery that goes to plan with no surprises and no need for follow up operations is safest for you - and much more reassuring for your husband too.

I can't believe you are facing this uncertainty on the eve of your operation. I hope all goes to plan tomorrow.



commented by Neadi
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 22:12

Oh I know Kathleen!! They really have left no stone unturned in diagnosing me, but it's the hanging around that's just so so annoying, and if this doesn't happen tomorrow, it's another week of hanging around!!!

Mr neadi!! Love it!!!!? Image removed.

commented by Ania
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 23:41

Good luck tomorrow neadi, I hope the bed works out and you can jus get started!!!

I am in myself tomorrow for sential node biopsies. Could be heading in for my mastectomy in 2weeks.

It's a trying time! take comfort that we know what you're going through and we're thinking of you wishing for the best xx

commented by Neadi
15 November 2012

15 November 2012 03:16

Thanks Anita!

Wide awake at 3.12 am (again!!!).
Hoping they take me in.....
Hoping they don't.....

I'm telling you, it's unreal!!! My friends can't believe this is happening, and I feel like a right eejet everytime I get a good luck text....

"eh well this actually may not be happening now..."

commented by deefed
15 November 2012

15 November 2012 09:34

I was in touch with Neadi this morning and great news she got a bed and op is on - hope you dont mind me posting this but I am sure the girls are dying to find out.

best of luck xx

commented by WicklowLady
15 November 2012

15 November 2012 09:40

Oh that is fantastic she will be in my prayers. Oh best of luck to her God is good

commented by Kathleen
15 November 2012

15 November 2012 20:29

Thanks so much for letting us know Dee. I am delighted for Neadi that the op went ahead today. Now she is on the road to recovery at last Image removed.


commented by Neadi
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 09:55

Hello my friends!!!!

Dee thanks a million for keeping the girls in the loop!

Yes we had the op and I am out of bed this morning bandages off (eek!) and have finally managed to work out how to use the Internet on the tv (doh!!).

My arm is feeling pretty numb, I hope that's normal.... But apart from that the painkillers are doing their job well.

Its a major hurdle over, I know that I've a bit to go yet, but at least something has been dine to get rid.

Once again thanks to you all for the support!!!


commented by WicklowLady
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 10:17

Oh it's fantastic to see your post. Now that's one less thing to anticipate about, it's over and it's all about recuperating and looking after yourself . Great you worked out the Internet. So glad there'll be no more worrying about what's going to happen. Delighted for you

commented by Dane7
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 11:41

Good woman Neadi.

Numb arm absolutely normal. Do the exercises ASAP as it gets stiffer the longer you leave it!

Feeling yuck post chemo so will be silently thinking about u.

commented by Madge1
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 12:09

Congratulations great to feel like your doing something! Arm will improve daily like Dane says do as much of the exercises as you can it feels like your doing nothing when you start but you'll notice the difference really soon.

Good luck with surgery recovery

Madge x

commented by Kathleen
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 15:55

Delighted to hear that all went well and that you are up and about. I'm sure Mr Neadi is happy too Image removed.

I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care.



commented by wilmaone
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 16:33

Hi neadi
Delighted to hear you are up and about and op is now behind you.hope the recovery goes well for you.


commented by encee
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 16:37

Delighted to see the progress report!

Continued good luck to you and hope recovery goes really well x

commented by Neadi
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 16:38

Hi guys!!

Yeah all good- apart from numb arm! Bah!! I'm moving it around like billio though!!!!

Mr neadi was delighted things went ahead- at least we're on the road to recovery...

Thank you all once again!! You gals are fantastic!!!!

commented by WicklowLady
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 16:39

Oh great you are in good spirits. Onwards and upwards xxxx

commented by Neadi
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 17:13

Hi Mary!

I'm just so so relieved that it's over. I know I still have the chemo and radio left to do, but to think that this is gone out of my body is great.

I didn't cry when I looked at myself....I know it won't be forever, and it is a long road, but it has to get better from here??

I did get a bit scared when my arm seized up but as long as I know it's not permanent I'm going to keep moving the ol arm.

I got fitted for my sof prostehesis yesterday. The bra was pretty uncomfortable, but I bought some of those genie bras and they are a lot more comfy......

Onwards and upwards....
How are you getting on? Will you have chemo next week??

commented by WicklowLady
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 17:40

Oh it's wonderful that you are in such good form and we will help you through the chemo and radiotherapy. I will be an expert on it I'm sure lol!!

You're very brave but as I said to you it's good riddance to the boob it was going to destroy you if you didn't get rid of it. You'll get through the chemo and radiotherapy if I can you will. This time next year we will be different healthy people but different for the best.

It's great that the girls here can tell you that the numb arm is normal. How long will you be in? Who's your surgeon ?

I'm feeling well again thank God, but only since yesterday couldn't stomach food before that. Hopefully it'll do wonders for my figure. Yes I'm in Monday for more poison so back to nausea again, but it's only temporary.

Hugs xxxx

commented by Neadi
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 17:58

My surgeon is mr McDermott and my plastic surgeon is mr Morrison. Both seemed to think that all went well, but we will find out on Friday when we get to meet mr Mac for the pathology report. Trying not to freak out about that!!

I'm gonna be in until Monday I think, but as far as the surgery goes, it hasn't been as near the nightmare I thought it would be. Just wish it was the end tho.....

But we're stepping there bit by bit!!

I'm glad you're feeling better, and the chemo is back ontrack....

commented by WicklowLady
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 18:16

Neadie keep positive one step at a time. Sometimes we worry about things and they don't turn out to be as bad. Yes chemo back on track, I'm nearly afraid to go out now in case I pick up something. Hubbie gone for a Chinese takeaway which we'll have with a glass of rose while I feel like eating. Little things please us xxxx

commented by Neadi
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 22:44

Hope you enjoyed your Chinese!! Sounds yum!!! Glad chemo is back on the go!!!

commented by WicklowLady
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 22:59

Yes it was lovely . So good to taste and enjoy food and a glass of wine without feeling sick, but that won't last long, next week ill be sickish again. Never thought I'd be glad chemo would be on but it's all about getting it finished. Saying goodbye to it and getting to lead a somewhat normal life where chemo doesn't rule the roost.

commented by deefed
18 November 2012

18 November 2012 09:19

Great stuff Neadi - delighted you are in such good form. Katheleen best of luck with Chemo on MOnday and Dane hope your doing okay.

Just to say that after my second chemo (which is now) I wasnt as bad as the first one lets just say I feel like I have a permanent hangover and tired but not really sick - the ole tastebuds are gone - but swear to God I dont usually have a big apetite but eatitng for Ireland.

Chemo seems to be so up and down doesnt it for different people you maybe one of the lucky ones and not get it too bad. The third they say really whacks you so gonna enjoy feeling wellish for the next 10 days.

Cheers xxx

commented by WicklowLady
18 November 2012

18 November 2012 09:54

My first two chemos were 'ok' the third was different very much out of sorts and took longer to pass. Will be interesting what number 4 brings tomorrow. I'm kind of thinking the fact that I've got an extra week his time for it to go out of my system that it may not be as bad, here's hoping. Don't you just so enjoy the 'feeling well' days. I feel a million dollars compared to this day last week and no chemo involved.

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