Breast cancer
posted by happy39
26 May 2015

What bra to wear after Breast Reduction Operation op on my right boob

Last reply: 05 June 2015 10:50


I had a mastectomy in 2010 on my left breast and in 2013 I was put on the waiting list to have my right breast reduced to match my new boob. I received a call yesterday from the hospital stating that I will be called in the next month for my breast reduction operation. I am just looking for advice on what bra to wear after the operation. And also should I go down a cup size or just buy a bra for the size I am now which is a C cup.
Would love any advice Image removed.



commented by LindyLu
27 May 2015

27 May 2015 22:47

Hey...great news that the reduction op is in sight. If I remember correctly, in the days and weeks post op, my reduced boob was tender and a bit swollen so I just wore what I had been wearing. I was probably a DD before op and a good C after op so I'd say a cup and a half smaller. Save the new bra purchases as a treat 6 weeks or so after the surgery!

Good luck!

commented by Mayfair
28 May 2015

28 May 2015 08:21

Hiya Happy and Lindy. ..I had reduction done in March at St Josephs (Beaumont affiliate) and was given a sports bra immediately after surgery. I was instructed to wear it for 6 weeks or alternatively a non wired bra was ok too. Just no wires whatsoever for 6 weeks. Best of luck with it all Happy...its another step forward☺.

commented by happy39
28 May 2015

28 May 2015 10:21

Hi Lindy Lu and Mayfair

Thanks so much for the replies; yes after 2 years finally being called; so at this stage I am excited that I am nearing the end of all this. I will purchase some sports bras this weekend and I will go down to cup size b and when the time comes that I will be able to purchase a new bra I will treat myself to a new wardrobe of pretty bras; as all along I have being lopsided therefore was not spending a lot on bras. All good this year; as I have my mammogram appt in June and if that's clear I will be 5 years cancer free,which at diagnosis I thought was a million miles away. Thanks to everyone for answering all queries I have posted - it's great to have support for all queries Image removed.

commented by encee
05 June 2015

05 June 2015 07:13

Hi Happy
Best of luck with the surgery - I don't know if you have made your purchases but Penney's do a twin pack of soft sports bras for €7 I think; they were what was recommended to me by the breast care nurse when I had surgery x

commented by happy39
05 June 2015

05 June 2015 10:50

Hi Encee

Thanks for that; I saw those bras but wasn't sure if they would be supportive enough. Off to purchase them today.

Thank You Image removed.

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