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posted by lyric
27 April 2011


Last reply: 11 May 2011 09:48
I was given a Neulasta injection after my 2nd round of chemo and it's prescribed for the final 2 also. I found that it seemed to intensify the side effects and I was really unwell for a couple of days. Has anyone any help or advice on this please.
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posted by ceedee
30 April 2011

Hats scarves and cool bandanas

Last reply: 04 May 2011 19:09
Found a brilliant Irish Web Site with lovely hats scarves bandanas e.t.c The lady is really easy to deal with and you just send back the ones you dont keep the web address is She will also alter them if they are to big at no extra cost they are all made at the premises.
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posted by Teri
06 May 2011

Strattice and insurance

Last reply: 21 July 2011 10:24
Hi there, I am wondering if anyone has experience of Strattice in a reconstruction and if your insurance covered the cost I'm running into trouble with my ins co saying they wont cover the cost.
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posted by kazoo
07 May 2011

Masectomy and chemo ahead - help!

Last reply: 09 May 2011 15:41
Hi there Diagnosed end of jan, grade 2 lobular, just finished 3 months on hormones to try to shrink tumour. It was a chunky 7cm, now 5cm, they told me yesterday they not happy with the amount of shrinkage so far, so am off tamoxifen from today. They having a meeting about me Thursday and I have two options going forward. a) Full masectomy immediately followed by chemo, and eventually radiation. b) Chemo first, then we see if any more shrinkage, then surgery (possibly - probably- still masectomy but may be less) and then radiation. My first thought was go for the surgery first, but now I'm not sure. If they recommend one over the other, then I'll go with them but would be interested to hear anyone's thoughts. thanks
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posted by kazoo
11 May 2011


Last reply: 28 July 2011 00:05
I want to start juicing, starting chemo soon and feel the need to be as 'healthy' as I possibly can, already trying to do my 5 a day and cut out processed stuff. Anyone doing it, do I have to fork out for an expensive 'juicer' or can I just use an old blender?? What do people drink, fruits, veggies? All advice welcome please xx
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posted by gavin877
12 May 2011

78 year old woman with breast cancer

Last reply: 27 May 2011 23:57
Hi everyone Need some advice and i am not too sure if you can offer any but dont know who else to ask..... 78year old woman in otherwise good health diagnosed with breast cancer last friday. It seems to be in the late stages (or at least not early stages) and it has been detected in her lymph nodes. She is having more tests tomorrow to see if it has gone further. 1: if it hasnt. What would the plan be , just take the breast and the lymph nodes? maybe some radiotherapy? 2: if it has spread further . Realistically how much longer can she be kept comfortable ? i would REEAALLYY appreciate some advice. ( she is back to the doctors on friday 13/5.) G
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posted by sunflower
14 May 2011

radio therapy, any advice

Last reply: 18 June 2011 08:59
Hi evereyone, was told last week that I will soon be starting radio therapy. the hosp staff have given me information but I dont know what to expect. Is the tirdness as bad as the chemo? I would be delighted to get any info. Sunflower
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posted by kazoo
14 May 2011

Waiting times for chemo?

Last reply: 31 May 2011 20:37
Hi Been told I am going to start neo adjuvant chemotherapy, thought I'd be going in straight away but apparently there's a few weeks to wait. I'm in Cork. Is this the norm? I feel very impatient, want to get started to get the darn thing gone. I was on Tamoxifen but have stopped that now on doc's orders as you can't do both together. They said they're very busy and will be in touch within two to three weeks. Anyone else have to wait??
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posted by lyric
18 May 2011


Last reply: 23 May 2011 16:00
What are ye doing/been given for nausea? I had dreadful nausea with my third round of chemo. Even though I've only 1 (tg!) to go I don't relish the thought of the nausea again. Tia
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posted by encee
22 May 2011

Hair Loss

Last reply: 26 May 2011 17:02
Hi everyone! I started 4 x AC 2 weeks ago, going back in tomorrow for my next regimen but this morning I noticed lots of my pubic hair coming out when I was drying myself after my shower. Then, out of pure curiosity I gave the bit of stubble on my underarm hair a tug and they came out easily as well. My scalp feels sore, like as if I had my hair tied up very tight all day but only when I run my fingers through my hair. If the truth be told, I'm delighted all the extra unwanted hair is coming out as I am just sick of Veeting so I hope it continues Does this sound familar to anyone and any tricks of the trade? (I already got my hair cut up short when I was initially diagnosed, just so my little angels would be used to be with short hair, progressing to no hair.) Also, any suggestions as to how to deal with my children if they lose the plot if/when my hair goes entirely? I have a wig ordered and a bandana at the ready but they have already told me that they don't want me to have no hair....
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