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posted by RoxAnn
04 March 2010


Last reply: 05 May 2010 23:54
Hello, just wondering if anyone has had tram flap reconstruction - where they take fat from your tummy and transport it up to the breast site??? I would love to get opinions on this and also if anyone has had it maybe a few details on how long in hospital, how long totally out of action etc Initially when I had my mastectomy in July 2008 I said I was lucky to be alive and would happily live without a breast - However, I must be coming back to myself again (post chemo only, no radio required) as I am gunning to have cleavage again !!! It just shows - life DOES get good again !! thanks, rox
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posted by michl
25 March 2010

Mini Marathon for Breast Cancer - Bank Hol Monday 7th June

Last reply: 22 May 2010 10:04
Hi all, I have decided to take part in Dublin mini-marathon on Bank Holiday Monday 7th June to raise money for breast cancer research. If you think you might be able to do it, however slowly, I'd love to get a group of ladies together. If you are interested please send me email to or call me on 087-6642202. Thanks, Michelle
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posted by hugs
27 March 2010

How many of us are young women???

Last reply: 13 April 2010 18:56
I met a lovely woman at the ARC center in eccles street yesterday. It is a lovely place for people who have cancer to go to. They have relaxation classes, councelling, thi chi, and lots of other stuff going on. It is also a drop in center, where you can go and have a cuppa. They have a fabulous garden aswell. Now im getting to my There is a meeting there on the 12th of April at 10.15 for young women with breast cancer. Its for anyone up to 45 ish (maybe a bit older ) I think they have it 4 times a year, im so glad i heard about it!!!! I definately want to go, and celine from here said she would be intrested. It would be a great way for us to meet up! So is there anyone else up for it?????
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posted by mosaic
29 March 2010


Last reply: 29 April 2010 22:33
Hi there, I had breast cancer 18 yrs ago at 42 and was diagnosed with a recurrance in 2008, I have both lobular invasive and ductal breast cancer now. I have secondaries in lungs, and bones. I have had Taxotare chemo and continue on Zometa for the bones I have resisted Femara until now but due to lung problems gave it a try but had very bad pain and stopped it anyone out there got any any experience of Femara. Im am almost pain free without it dont know what to do. Mosaic
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posted by Avalanche
31 March 2010

Breast Cancer Support Group-Plurabelle Paddlers

Last reply: 16 April 2010 09:31
Hi, Having some physio to strenghten my back after various surgeries & my physio gave me a flyer about this group. For anyone sporty or wishing to learn a new sport the Plurabelle Paddlers is organising training for dragon boat races/canoeing. The exercise programme is specifically for women who have had breast cancer treatment. Suitable for those have finished treatment at least 3 months ago. They have an open day on April 17th 11am-1pm at Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre. More details on A
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posted by mortensfantasy
01 April 2010

Hi everyone

Last reply: 08 April 2010 00:34
Hi Every one, I'm new and nervous. My name is Lou, I'm 41 and married with 3 children in the north east and I am going to the clinic next tuesday in Beaumont. I had a breast uplift and implant in November 08 for personal reasons. I was delighted with this and it really did make an awful difference to my life as it was something I had always been very self concious about. I had this done abroad and was very happy with the level opf care received. The implant in the left breast has always given me a bit of bother in that it seemed to settle high and was a bit harder than the other one.I was worried it may have been a thing called capsular contraction [scar tissue that squeezes and distorts the implantr and can cause pain] .I had this checked by a dr and he sad it was ok and best to leave it. He thought it was too early for capsular contarction to form as the implant had been harder a few weeks after surgery and generaly it takes time for scar tissue to build up. But a few weeks ago I found a lump that wasn't there or that I did not notice before.There actually seems to be a lot of lumpy areas so it is hard to tell what is ne and what is not. I am hoping it is this implant. I am so worried as I have had pain in my scapular area in my back recently too but didn't connect the two. And new stabbing pains in the breast on occaision. I am worried that the Dr's or radiographers might not have the expertise with implants.I'm scared they will miss something or think I'm a nutter for having gone and done this operation the first place.I'm worried because I had my surgery abroad I may not be treated here and told to go back abroad.. I was coping finewith all of this until last night and then it became really scary and overwhelming and i could not stop crying and could not sleep. Now I'm imagining every ache and pain is something dreadful as I have some pain under the breast to the left as if in the chest wall. Could be stress related...I feel my chest is going to explode with nerves and stress and I'm terrified of needles and the tests if I do need them. Any comments or advice you can give would be great . I have read some of your stories and you are all amazing. Thanks a milion for reading. Hope to hear from any of are in mythoughts even tho' I know none of you. Thanks . Lou
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posted by updowns
07 April 2010


Last reply: 14 April 2010 21:46
Hi, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on 6th January (the day of the "big freeze", I'll never forget that date). Had lumpectomy, lymph nodes clear (happy days!) but was devastated to be told, following more tests, that I have bone mets - shoulder, T2 spine, pelvis. Had some radiotherapy to shoulder for pain and I am due to start chemo next Tuesday, 13th April. 4 bi-weekly AC chemo + avastin, another pet scan, break, then 12 x weekly taxol. I am terrified and dreading the chemo, any reassurances and tips for coping with chemo would be welcome. Stella
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posted by Summer73
18 November 2010

Is anyone elses breathing bad after BC Treatment?

Last reply: 22 April 2011 00:17
I'm just over a year out of treatment and my breathing is terrible, its like I have a tightness in my chest the whole time and struggle to breath properly. Hospital dismiss it and have said nothing is showing up. Anyone else having these symptoms?
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posted by firlodge
16 April 2010

Dragon Boat Racing for Breast Cancer Survivors

Last reply: 16 April 2010 06:45
Hi does anyone have any information on the Dragon Boat Information meeting on next Saturday - I heard about it but didn't get the details Many thanks
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posted by yaya
19 April 2010

Hotel break whilst on chemo.

Last reply: 05 June 2010 10:06
Hi Girls, I have been reading your posts and think you are all fantastic. I am 37 and had a left masctomy in March. No history in family.So scary. I had an expander fitted at the same time and found that great. I have recovered well from the surgery and feel much more positive about everything. I wanted to ask your advice on something. I am due to start chemo on Mon April 26th as it was delayed for a few weeks. My husband is on holidays that week and we have a hotel break booked for that fri april 30th for 3 nights. Their is Kids club everyday for my girls aged 4 and 7 so I could just rest all the time. Do ye think it is a good idea to go away so soon after the chemo? I just dont want to dissapoint kids as its been hard for them as well and we havnt been away for a while because of diagnoses. Thanks Bernie
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